The writing leapt from middling at the beginning of this season to phenomenal in this episode, I could not take my eyes off the screen! The OGs AND the literal next generation (lol) are out here KILLING it! Amanda Plummer was on her A game here, absolutely TERRIFYING, Vadic makes Weyoun look like a disgruntled puppy.

I'm crossing fingers and toes hoping to see some more familiar faces for this bon homage. Faces that were involved in the Dominion War, and from Voyager, they certainly have options - perhaps Kira, O'Brien and/or Bashir because of their Section 31 connections, Janeway, Tuvok... look, if the PTB successfully deep faked Carrie Fisher for Star Wars, they can deep fake Odo and Benjamin Sisko for Star Trek. Whoever, whatever they choose now, I'm fully on-board because this ship found its second wind and is sailing!

10/10 - for Amanda Plummer putting in some serious WORK, and in memory of Lal (who we very likely may hear again soon).

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Not me getting teary eyed at Seven wistfully speaking of her Voyager family :hearts:
That got me right in the feels!

What an episode overall though! I'll echo others in the comments in saying the quality jump has been phenomenonal. This is the Picard we always wanted.

Also that POV of the AI was so Person of Interest and I loved it.

P.S. Data golem mixing it up like he's got DID or something. The faker community are gonna love that (if any of them were old enough to watch this show)

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My experience of this ep was stronger in the first two-thirds. I'm not gonna ding it points however.

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This has got to be one of the strongest jumps in quality from a season to another in a show.
What an amazing ride this has been so far.

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How did anyone having a watch party of this episode with fans even get through it without hooping and hollering? Easily wins nostalgia prize of the decade!

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who thinks there might be a spin off with a Capt Jack Picard :thinking::hushed:

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More of this please :pray_tone1:

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I have just one word: nostalgia

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Wharf and Riker are pure magic.

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Omg! The entrance of Prof. Moriarty!!! And the rest of the story!! Marvelous!

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Shout by mtrak

So nobody on the Titan knew that the fleet is now “integrated,” did I get that right? They needed to come all the way to Geordi’s manchild of a character to be told so?

What a trainwreck of an episode. It’s ruining all of ST for me, they are really pulling all the stops on the gimmicks, kitsch, terrible characters, and bad acting. Most of the time the horrendously written, timed and delivered humor makes the set seem like a particularly bad sketch of SNL, you know, the ones where they can’t keep a straight face. Any chance the outlandish plots and subplots had to hold the illusion are shattered by these new lows of any ST franchise I can think of.

It boggles the mind such a project can get financed, and it’s seriously having me reconsider if the entire ST universe is like this and I just never saw it. I sure don’t remember shows like DS9, Voy or even TNG being anywhere near this kitsch and lame, not even their worst episodes, but now I’m almost afraid to revisit them.

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This season has been awesome so far!

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There's such a thing as too much fan service, at which point it starts to take away from the narrative because the viewers keep getting reminded that they're being pandered to by the writers. That is definitely happening here, but at least the story is pretty strong overall. The bits of humor, in particular, are wonderfully done.

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Season 3 is what fans were hoping for all along. At least they figured that out. Nice to even have the First Contact score.

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All Gold
Holy-smokes what a
Amazing episode, so much
going on but beautifully
woven into the story
and all the callbacks....well
This season
Kicks-Ass and blows
S1 and S2 clean out
the solo system.

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Quite okay episode. So far this season has been infinitely better than the previous trash.

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Let's chuck everything (completely unrelated to each other) at it and stuff the episode till there's no room left. We're getting the Gang back together!!! Episode 7 is Part 2 in this mess. Hope it improves after this because it's getting beyond stupid.

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Picard s3 writers brief "...make sure you shoehorn in ALL the memberberries!"

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I loved that scene in the ready room where Picard makes excellent use of the word "Burgle", and then gets that nod of approval from Shaw...simply perfect!

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