No new ideas, just many generic "that's how you do sci-fi action" elements. Plus several emotional but absolutely not inspiring speeches.

If this wouldn't be "the end" for many (previously) beloved characters in a formerly beloved brand, it would be a pretty meaningless affair.

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The best episode ever I really enjoyed this one it touched every Avenue of star trek

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A very lovely and apt closure to the #TNG + #DS9 + #VOY era. Thank you to all the staff and casts of the TNG+DS9+VOY era for creating a wonderful, memorable, and touching stories about humanity and the possible future. You've been part of my childhood, and seeing all of you for one last time… I have nothing but tears of joy and gratitude.

This is the best way to end that era, and open a new one. I hope the next generation will be as great.

No farewells. Only hope.

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Someones gotta say it for the finale, one of the writers must have said let's just do Star Wars and slap a Trek brand on it. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. Fine ending for our beloved Next Gen family. PS: Nice touch with Koenig voicing his "son"!

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This episode was a proper send-off for the crew of the old Enterprise. Terry did a good job, as he took Avengers Endgame as the bar. The ending let us hope that more is about to come from Paramount+ in the next years.

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Oh, fuck yeah, bring IT ON!

And, it is the ending, and the season, we got.

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Fantastic!! Enjoyed the ending with so many loose ends tied up and a salute to the new generation!!

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Star Trek:Legacy with seven of nine as the captain of enterprise?

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The plot was resolved well enough, and we got a very relaxing and satisfying epilogue. What else could you want?

We got old star trek back this season. Some of it's spirit, anyway. We got a good plot. We got legacy characters back and they actually feel true to themselves and are respected. We got new likeable characters, and they made previous Picard season characters more likeable. What else could you want?

I'm not completely satisfied overall in regards to what's happened this season, and i've aired some of my issues in previous comments. But god damn am i completely satisfied right now, because we finally got some of old star trek back. We finally got respect and likeable characters and a good story, with an amazing send off for the old crew, and a good setup for the new crew.

I am so completely relaxed and satisfied. We finally got good and true star trek. I'm satisfied for years now.

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This was an epic conclusion to so many characters I grew up loving. And then teasing us with a new crew guided by my favourite former Borg Seven of Nine perfectly played by Jeri Ryan. Please make it happen!

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ok, this was a heavy dosage of nostalgia and in this case I'm ok with it. I hope that the next stage of Star Trek can learn from the mistakes of Season 1 and 2 and especially Discovery and give us something great. I am all out of nostalgia for now but this leaves me with hope for the first time in a very long time. Give this old fan something for me. I'm not the only one!

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Far too long to put an ending to TNG but I can honestly say this series did it right!!

Can't wait for the next series with Captain Seven and her crew either!

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Wonderful culmination of a whole host of spin-offs.
The bit at the end leaves hope for something more.
In case anyone is interested allow me to complete the limerick that data started and never finished.
There once was a lady from Venus
Who's body was shaped like a penis
When First Contact was made
The crew were dismayed
When she told them her species and genus

Live long and prosper.

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I laughed. I cried. This was utter perfection.

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Where is Wesley ?? Poor Wesley!

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On one hand

  • After the Borg threat was done, how did the very limited remaining characters overthrow all the Changelings that were still in the top key areas of Federation leadership?

  • Why did Jack need to give orders (or why was he even allowed on a ship) when he still would have the power to control people, unless they, without showing the audience. somehow magically removed his DNA that he was born with (which is different from all the other young people whose DNA was modified by transporters)?

  • Where was Agnes during the Borg fiasco?

  • Why was the "Reaper" threat (search up "Mass Effect Reapers") from the first seasons never mentioned again?

But on the other hand

  • I am looking forward to a potential new spinoff of Star Trek: The Next Next Generation and Star Trek: Seven
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This is the definition of how to do a good finale. A limerick being quoted from almost 40 years ago („There was a young lady from Venus…“) set me directly back to the first season TNG. I love it. It is awesome. Such a conclusive, dignified, joyful end. Bravo!

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I suppose how much you enjoy this series finale will depend on how much you are swayed by seeing pretty much the entire TNG gang reunited for one last space caper. I really enjoyed it and it managed the unusual feat of going out with its best season.

The TNG cast have such wonderful chemistry together and the humour dotted throughout the episode hit every beat for me. Sure, the plot may have had a fair heap of fudging contrivance to tie it all up but it was a thrilling end.

Personally, Voyager has always been my favourite Trek series so a definite highlight for me was the little scene with just Seven and Tuvok reunited.

Speaking of Seven, I'm excited at the prospect of a new spin-off with her at the helm of the Enterprise G - I just hope we get some more Trek alumni cameos (I'd love to see Admiral Janeway). I also enjoyed the way this finale teased Seven's command without actually revealing it.

Fingers crossed Legacy comes to pass.

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Absolutely perfect :clap::clap: Nostalgia :ok_hand:

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I don't care if stuff was written too conveniently or cheesy this episode (and partly this whole season). This was f*cking beautiful. Also, Star Trek: Legacy, let's go! :heart_eyes:

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I feel like they rushed the Borg story a bit.
Also next time I watch Star Trek I'll start wondering why on earth they need a whole crew when apperantly they can do it with just 5 or 6 on the bridge.

I enjoyed the season though, just not super but more than enough. And tons better than that other crap on Netflix.

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ST:Fanservice is finally over. It was a tough watch, one I’m not glad I watched it. Terrible plots and acting. Season 1 was a lot more interesting and promising, even S2 was somewhat decent. Then came S3 and everything went to absolute ish. Maybe revisiting your childhood heroes (TNG) ISN’T a good idea after all.

S3’s only decent major characters were Jack & Shaw. The rest were terrible, some more than others. Why did they do Worf in like that? “Do you even hear yourself?” was so bad it was funny, in a laugh at the writers and at what stupid task I’m doing by watching this garbage. That speech Seven gave to like 4-5 crew members on the bridge at the end is emblematic of the utter stupidity of this show.

Farewell Jean-Luc, I’ll try to forget this transgression and remember TNG with rose-colored glasses. As of now, those glasses are tainted :(

I guess there will be more, if you stayed past the credits. Hopefully more of the quality of SNW and not this pile of hot dog ish.

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Marvelous, absolutely marvelous! The best season of Picard and possibly the best new trek. I laughed, I cried. It truly was the proper send-off to the crew. However, they really should have included Laris at the end, but since apparently there will be a Picard movie and this won't be the last time we saw them, they might explain what happened to her and Picard there.

Jack as the captain's counselor is a bit weird and undeserved to be honest. The guy was responsible for successful assimilation and destruction, and then one year later he sits next to the captain, advising her, yeah ok. :rolling_eyes: As he himself said it - nepotism at its best. But I do love how they perfectly introduced a new spinoff just like they did in Discovery. Now give us Star Trek: Legacy with captain Seven of Nine! :heart:I really want to know what her line is. :smile:

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I had a huge grin on my face the whole hour. What a great conclusion to TNG era.

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This is definitely a great watch on Star Trek Day.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-08-12T10:18:54Z— updated 2024-04-05T18:21:00Z

When the best scene is a word play on "threesomes", a scene with a heavy sword, and an almost identical creation of TNG's (beautiful) ending, you can tell this episode isn't great. I won't start to point out plot holes, incoherent plot lines, all open points from previous episodes that were never explained and all the scenes where writers preferred nostalgia over substance and intelligent sci-fi over over-dramatic action w/unnecessary pathos. I can't bear this anymore... I don't understand why this show has seemingly a structural problem to tell little witty coherent stories. A budget wasted for Hollywood BS that dangerously closely resembles Star Wars. They even copied the daddy issues part from Star Wars....

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not bad for bunch of old farts

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Shout by Jim G.

The last act -- and especially the card game -- are terrific here. Once again, though, a lot of the earlier stuff is dodgier.

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Great addition to the franchise. Best season thus far.
Lots of emotion and great effects.
The sound is amazing if you have the right kit.
Look forward to more.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A convenient and cheesy finale to a season of the same but that's what we know and love.
Bit much having Nepo baby Jack suddenly be in a position like that. (and Beverly being an admiral!) That's more than a fast track but clearly they're setting up the next show. Speaking of :hearts: Seven deserves all of this greatness. If this show happens I'll be all over it and praying for an Admiral Janeway appearance :hearts:
I just hope it doesn't have too much Q. I know he's a fan favourite but it's too much silly fuckery for my tastes. I like my sci fi without omnipotencey.

I was definitely brought to tears multiple times during this episode. The last round seeing Picard's beautiful smile as he played cards with his found family. Loved this journey. Shame it took bascially forgetting about all that went on in seasons 1 and 2!

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Now that's what I'd call a Finale!
I'm sure I know what 7 of 9 was about to say,,,, "On ya Bike" Lol ;-)

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Not great art, but a satisfying end!

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trite ending to a stupid last season.

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