It’s clear that most fans find this season atrocious. Many complaints are that the characters that we all know so well are not behaving as they should. The final words of this episode spoken by Picard are ridiculous:

“I refuse to accept an outcome that has not yet occurred”.

That eliminates any planning, any strategies or any tactics decided on in advance! Just an attempt to cope after it happens. Absolute rubbish.

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Preparing myself for the thud that will be the season finale.

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Watching this 2nd series is painful, I have no idea where the hacks who jokingly call themselves “Writers” came from, I stopped watching Discovery before even halfway through series 4 and will see the last episode of this 2nd series to see how abysmal it is, but definitely won’t be back for series 3, looks like the woke brigade have doomed yet another part of the franchise.

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By the time they get out of 2024, it's going to be 2024 for crying out loud !

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I've been fine all of these years without backstory on JL's childhood and I really didn't need it here, but I got it anyway. Oh, well. At least the various characters in this one aren't all one-dimensional stereotypes. Oh, wait.

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This must be the worst piece of crap I ever saw

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It’s long in exposition but it’s still a fantastic creation.

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This is going from bad to worse. I love Star Trek and I hoped with Patrick Stewart it will be better, but every episode makes this even worse.

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sure let's revisit the worst episode of the season but marry it with some of the most moronic action sequences AND have Soong go full stereotype villain


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Wow. This episode had some of the least tactical combat I've ever seen. This whole dumb guns akimbo action setting had me checking out hard.

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Emergency Combat Hologram - now we have officially entered the realm of ridicule.

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Shout by Rob Loach
BlockedParent2022-05-03T13:18:32Z— updated 2022-05-09T00:14:19Z

  • Seven yells "They're not people out there, they're Borg!"... Seven of Nine says this. Then proceeds to stab one in the face. Seven of Nine :thinking:
  • Shit is going down, and Picard needs a flashback to remember how to play hide and seek. Zzzzz. That pacing.
  • Throw away line from Seven on why she's not a captain, "Starfleet rejected me". Wait what? Voyager gets home after years of travel, Seven applies to Starfleet already with years of experience, and they're like Naw Dawg...
  • Did the writers even watch Star Trek?

This is the worst episode of Star Trek, throughout the entire franchise.

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At this point each episode has just become back ground noise

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Shit that was messy.
And we've confirmed time isn't going back to 'normal'. At least in the way we expected. Otherwise why give Seven her implants back in that way (oh and how convenient they happen to go back just as they were. Even tho the original appearance is simply what couldn't be removed of her full borg implants).

Struggled to care about most of this. Esp suffering through bad child actor Picard and the same storyline. All to get to the point that his mother committed suicide and he blamed himself for it.

A real shame to see what this season has become after such a strong start.

Best but of the episode was learning that Janeway was ready to resign to get Seven into Starfleet. I can picture that for sure. Janeway is the best.

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It's going to take a couple weeks to recover from this one. I have a little more respect for my time than these writers do, so I'll think long and hard about whether to watch the last one. What a waste...

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At first this series started out pretty cool, and it's so nice having so many original actors coming back for the nostalgia value, and the fact they take into account that other people are not idiots and actually notice their obvious from-the-future behaviour is refreshing.

But the amount of clichés and unexplained plotholes, and especially the "Shounen anime" "All our problems are solved because feelings" disturbs so much of the entertainment for me, brought it down two points for this episode. People are too easily convinced by too little explanation or evidence, just quickly believing and siding with the main characters because the plot needs to go on.

If they fix all these plotholes, then the show has super higher potential and will recover quickly. Let's see what they do with it.

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Well this season theme was trauma. Picard's mostly, but the Borg? I did not expect that.
So the Borg Collective has been hell-bent on assimilating the Galaxy because they eventually loose in every single timeline. And every Queen knows that. I guess "Resistance is Futile" was kind of a subconscious thing. That might also explain why they were so focused on trying to assimilate a species able to work past their issues.
That resolution is either utterly stupid, or pure genius. And as they mentioned the Queens are aware of their other selves so it kind of means all the other Queens will see the Jurati solution?

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Please sell the Star Trek franchise to Elon Musk.

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I was far more entertained reading the comments than I was watching the episode...BTW, does Maman mean regurgitate in French? Because every time boy Picard says it I throw up a little bit in my mouth, just sayin'...

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What a great episode! I adored the conversation between Jurati and the Queen, and Alison Pill has been killing it this season. The themes of reconciling with the past for various characters are hitting home. I also appreciated that they noted the discrepancy with Picard's mother appearing as an old woman in that early TNG episode.

The action scenes aren't put together all that well which is letting things down. Too many interruptions to the flow. And the thing which has been a big question mark for me was the decision to use so little of Elnor this season. Did the actor only have limited availability?

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Shout by C

again, just random storylines that make no sense. I've had dreams that make more sense. you could write a bunch of ideas down and throw them in a hat and you'd make an episode of this season. I'm sure that's what they did.

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I enjoyed this season despite the writing feeling like fan fiction throughout. The Agnes and Queen Borg scenes were like a kid playing with toys. Changing the rules constantly to annoy the friend they’re playing with.
A plus is the Jerry Goldsmith Borg score used whenever the Borg Queen is shown. Plus doesn’t Brent Spiner’s character have to survive ? Did he not create Data ?

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Boring... :o Lots of damage/chaos/destruction to the timeline and some stupid combat scenes (gun vs. knife fights, using laser pointers in fog, etc.).

The only relevant development seems to be a possible change of fate of the borg (which may be a possible connection to the first episode but at this point I've long given up on the story).

3/10 - Not enough Teresa and Chris moments to overshadow the abysmal story.

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Dream scenes overkill and incoherent gibberish. This show is an insult to the original starship captain Picard and all his fans.

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Lol, it looks like noone didn't like this episode either. I bet they enjoyed first season. They earned it.

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