Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-03-17T20:37:06Z— updated 2022-08-19T09:09:45Z

Still don't know which direction this season is going, but there's not much wrong with this episode. I particularly like Agnes and Picard attempting to revive the Queen (who by the way happens to be quite loquacious and poetic when initiating the time warp). Picard's fear of assimilation and his trauma is palpable. I like it when he's that traumatized, fragile, feeble character while Agnes play this annoying but brilliant, frightened but not hesitant to interact with technology Reginald-Barkley-type of character.

Funniest part: a chill California Dreamin' variation and then Rios beaming into the picture. The whole California in the/their past visit is an homage to the Star Trek legacy and it's not bad compared to episodes from older shows (there's even an adorable impersonator of Sarah Silverman) - well nothing beats Spock's whale scene though. Not much really happens, lighter stuff for the most part (which is really the perfect contrast to the menace that the Queen represents), but it's obviously just the first part of the 2024 story line that will be continued in the next episode.

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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home may not be the best Star Trek film, but it is an undeniable crowd pleaser, the highest grossing Star Trek film of all time until J. J. Abrams reboot in 2009.

The second season of Star Trek: Picard adopts The Voyage Home's formula, set against 2024 Los Angeles. The overall feel is distinctively more serious, but it isn't afraid to have some fun.

While I enjoyed this episode and season so far, the overall premise is a bit messy. It doesn't help that Q is an odd ball character, an extra dimension being with incredible power, but all too strangely preoccupied with humanity and Picard. The Borg Queen attempts to balance Q, but I generally find dual adversaries storyline to be lazy. Hopefully, the writers will prove me wrong.

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I really don't know what to make of this season so far. I'm completely indifferent about things happening. While the first two episodes had at least one or two scenes I liked, this one was just passing by like a train.

Elnor's death could be impactful would I not suspect they will probably find a way to bring him back by season's end. We get a lecture about not leaving tech behind and you know what's going to happen and to whom. All the remarks about our contemporary society are again delivered without any subtlety. Assimilation can now be monitored and not only disrupted but essentialy reversed by just pulling the assimilation tube.
Rios ends up in a hospital for illegals and it just so happens the Doctor there is a single mom, also of probably South American decent, and I would be surprised if that doesn't lead into some kind of romance.

I don't feel like there is any effort on behalf of the writers. I don't feel the want to invest in either story or characters.

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Oh my god they killed Elrond! You bastards!

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The usual generic plot, which tries to be more than the sum of its parts by being all over the place.

And can someone explain me how the humans in this alternative timeline managed to eliminate all of the Borg, if the Queen, in her weakened form, manages to take over a ship and defeat a fleet within few seconds?

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Why do the lazy ass Star Trek writers always go for time travel? Also going back to 2024 is boring and the woke shit annoying.

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If they keep this up, I’m done with Paramount. I’m not paying for political propaganda from Hollywood. ‘Vaccine chips”? Definitely an evil dystopian future. INS makes people disappear for good? I’m sure I missed more.
I’m not paying for a political messed wrapped in nostalgia. Do they think I’m a dog trying to slip me some pills wrapped in a treat?

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Of course, Picard agrees to letting Agnes halfway be assimilated... he can always pull the plug... WTH? Seriously, we're talking about a character that got fully assimilated, that went on a ramapge in First Contact, and now he's okay with it? I'd expect that of Janeway for whom assimilation every other episode was no problem, but Picard?

Otherwise it's a shoutback to Voyage Home, mixed with social criticism. And of course Elnor won't stay dead.

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Ah time travel.. every Star Trek writer's crutch..

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It's a shame when shows kill characters and make it very clear its not going to stick by not giving it proper gravitas. Kinda ruins the point of it.
Also that intrigue/admiration from the Borg Queen at the end there? Makes me think Jurati might be the hyper advanced Queen we saw in ep 1.

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"When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you."

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Shout by mookie

Quick observation, main character gets shot with phaser and gets a nice burn and minor hole. same phaser shoots bad guy and they disintegrate into red sparkles?

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Favorite scene:

7 driving: "What does a yellow light mean!?"
Raffi: "Go faster"

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The Borg Queen's personality seems to be more human after her link up with Jurati, more emotional.

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Nice, I can enjoy it again. It's recovering but in a completely different way. I've gotten over the lack of science and consistency and can enjoy the new entertainment(/comedy). The new direction also somehow increasingly reminds me of the TV show Supergirl - in a good way :) Not sure if that association makes sense but it's there in my brain.

Visiting the 21st century (2024) in a Star Trek is quite entertaining. The best moments started when California Dreaming began to play. Poor Rios though... :o

Dr. Theresa stole the whole episode for me - she's definitely my highlight now! Such a cool character and I like the acting :) She and Rios are also so funny together :D I hope they'll take Theresia with them for the rest of this show (i.e., potentially back into the future). Probably not but it really wouldn't hurt the science/consistency/etc. at this point and it'd make it much more enjoyable!

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I do not know me what this time travel back LA is supposed to be other than a way to save money. This is stupid. I may have to read over the overview for each episode to see which ones I can skip.

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Would be a 3 if not for the death.
Nope this episode just didn't work for me and I found it very boring.
What the Hella went wrong from such a good interesting start. This was just Garbage, just grab the damn badge off the annoying kid for god sake but no plot wise we have to miss the opportunity for problems later down the line....eye roll. Grab the damn badge off the mother no because she's going to be a love interest...eye roll.
Assimilation can be stopped with a single plug pull, are you Fcuking kidding me. This story has been done so much better in Star Trek Nemesis,
DS9,Voyager and the
OG Trek to name a few.
Once again Star Trek Picard has crashed and burned and it only gets worse from here, this episode was shit and nothing can save this show from the bottom of the shit pile and thank god it ends for good on season 3 because I can't take much more of this Garbage bull-crap.


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