Wow awesome. Hope Picard does not die in the end of if he does that it is a glorious death. Also even if picard dies I hope that they give a very good handover of the torch to someone that can make for a good season 2. Go Picard

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[5.8/10] Hoo boy was this a rough way to lead into the finale. The show trying to quickly and clumsily introduce a third front in this war, make Picard's illness A Big Deal again, and even add in a never-before-mentioned Soong baby into the mix was just the pits. Everything was super rushed and felt strangely disconnected from a lot of what we've dealt with previously this season.

All the tearful goodbyes to Picard feel flat to me, mostly because we've barely seen these characters spend time with Picard, so much of the weepy breathlessness of it rings false. The twists with the Synth colony happen so fast and furiously that each comes of weightless and contrived. Don't get me started on how we're now in a weird "everybody's prejudiced and angry!" stance with things.

Frankly, this is my least favorite outing of the season. The dialogue is tin-eared and thudding, the plot developments are so sudden and often nonsensical, and just the individual scenes are boring and overwritten. My only hope is that this episode represents the show's creative team getting all this crud out of their systems so that they can deliver the goods in the finale.

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Overall this fell a little flat for me. Some parts I liked. I was glad to see them shoehorn Brent Spiner back in. The idea of the hippie android commune was kind of cool. The android mind meld was something to think about. I'm also wondering if either Picard or the Data Doctor Dude is going to end up transferred into the new model.

I thought they misused the Borg again and in the very same way. A sudden build up and then fuck you. I don't like the evil android twin story. It's been done. I did not like the big flowers.

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Uch sorry, it's just so boring, stupid, and the plot is so generic. This is literally the plot of Descender.

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This must have been the most TNG-ish episode since The Orville.

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Want to know the history of the title, "Et in Arcadia Ego?" I recommend reading both of the following Wikipedia/Everipedia pages.
Everipedia page about the two paintings by Poussin.
~about the first painting on the subject by Guercino.

It is only fitting there is some depth, nuance and controversy about the translation and meaning intended by the artists! Haha!

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So the Kaylon threaten the Alpha Quadrant now huh

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I'm perturbed Jana's sister is manipulating the others, even instigating or committing murder to get the others to see things the way she does.... Is she driven by a need for revenge for Jana's death?

I'm relieved it's looking like they didn't plagiarize the game, "Mass Effect."

Did it look like fluidic space at the end of the preview for ep. 10? (I saw black insect-like creatures or ships against a red background, with a round circle that appeared to be over-looking the if the assistance they call for may be coming from fluidic space...but, not like the fluidic space where Species 8472 lives.)

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Just like the Borg and all other past characters,
The Borg Cube was completely wasted, it came far to early on, totally wasted entrance, same story again...we are Borg boom...done. really...really
They have completely nurfed the borg and this show is one long utter boring exposition dump.
Thank the heavens their is only one more episode to grind....Grind...out.

Then I can get back to the phenomenal perfect flawless Masterpiece
that is
Star Trek Discovery

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Slow as usual, yet engaging and interesting. It was nice to see Brent Spiner as well.

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