Looks like Darius Tanz finally made it to space.

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boring like the first 2 episodes

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40-odd minutes a week just isn't enough ST:Picard.

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How do you not chuckle after that word is said?

Picard is now looking pretty good after a slow start.

Definitely better than Discovery at any point of its run.

I actually care about what happens to the character('s) here unlike discovery.

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I liked this one a lot more so far. I'm just still a bit scared that this won't really go anywhere before the end of the season. Good content; but would love a bit more pace and more condensed info. I think we won't have that much difficulty keeping up :)

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Raffi's look after Picard says "Engage" pretty much sums up my take on this one. 80% filler and 20% relevant content make the pacing of this one atrocious.

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Jean-Luc Picard (currently "JL" for his buddies, it seems — a bit cringeworthy, yes), who has been for years the face of Starfleet, who was the embodiment of Starfleet's very own values, has now cut ties with Starfleet and is joining a rougue crew of misfits and embark on a secret mission not Starfleet approved? Hot damn, this is definitely Star Trek for a new generation, but I sure as hell like where they're going with this one!

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He said the thing!!! Goosebumps

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Another decent “I’m getting a crew together” episode. At least there’s some action in the end though. The psychic scene was pretty good too.

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That emergency hologram (EMH) is fun :D

Looks like Soji is already capable of pulling fast moves. At least that disarming move seemed a bit faster than a human would normally be capable of.

Picard, Cpt. Rios, Raffi, and Agnes already make up an entertaining team :)


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raffi now, raffi tomorrow and raffi forever. if you get it you mf get it!

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So, Admiral Oh meets Dr. Jurati right before the romulan assassins try to kill Picard. The Dr. is there, too, and suddenly decides to join Picard. Am I the only one who finds those are a couple coincidents too much ?

One thing that I become painfully aware of watching this is how many great stories could have been told over the last decade or two. They are referencing so many things from the past I would have loved to see in a series. Maybe the times weren't right but we sure missed some great oportunities.

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Well, I know all of you have been waiting for this moment... Engage XDDD

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"I have tried, but I have not considered my house"

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If you haven't seen this Ep - don't read. Possible Spoiler. Opinions anyone?

Could Rizzo and Narek be AI like Dahj and Soji?

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