I think this is my favourite episode so far. I love how the writers have successfully fit good comedy inside a Star Trek framework, without devaluing what Trek is about at all. The sarcastic Vulcan salute was probably the high point, but I also loved O'Connor's ascension with the smiling koala. And Boimler's com still being open when called to the bridge. And the executive poker game. And what the holodeck is really used for. Damn it, everything worked here.

Mariner is still my favourite character and I'm glad to see her needing to work along side her mother and the fact that it allowed us to become clearer on aspects of how Mariner can fit in on the ship. I still am looking forward to more time spend with Tendi and Rutherford, though. Tendi did get quite a bit to do here, of course, and it fleshed out her character considerably.

"Sen-soars." Fantastic callback.

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yoooo they changed the ship into Deep Rock Galactic

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A decent episode and nice to see Mariner having a moment to shine and bond with her mother. I think she'll see the benefit of keeping her around now but I go hope we see some growth in her during the course of the show

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Loved when the captain used her saliva to clean some dirt off her daughter's face...hehe
Took me back fifty-some-odd years ago to when my Mom'd do the same thing (but with kleenex). Too funny!

And, did anyone else think Mariner was yawning at the Tellarite captain because they enjoy contentious interaction? (I don't think that was really it, but the question had me going for a bit -- also really funny).


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