I didn't think I would like this show but it's growing on me (even though the Mariner character annoys the hell out of me and the Ruthrford subplot and the "twist" at the end were as predictable as can be). That was fanservice done right with Klingons that looked like Klingons and a whole bunch of familiar Stat Trek alien races. I guess that was the most Star Trek thing I've seen since The Orville.

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This episode was much better than the first. Mariner has heart, and the cameos of Trek aliens were fun

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"Hyoo-mons!!" Hahahaha... No better hyoomor than a Ferengi walk-on to lighten the mood... Definitely worth the profit....

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Great episode
Much better than the
First, Meriner didn't annoy me
as much this episode and
Boimler was more than
just a punch bag for
Comedic relief, main
Story and Sub Story
we're fun and interesting
and both had a Satisfactory conclusion. This show is
definitely heading in the
right direction.
(That Officer
at the end did remind
me of "Tasha Yar"
which was cool).

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