Sometimes Sonequa overemotes so much, she makes me think of Ace Ventura.

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Only in the current state of social politics would a show say that it's xenophobic to say that a species that loves to commit genocide is likely to commit genocide.

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Let’s have more Tig, please.

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Another episode where Mol & Lok out smart the entire federation. How is that possible. Stupid writing.

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Decisions, decisions and more decisions. At least someone was able to call it.
So the Enterprise is on its way to the final clue, can't wait to see how it all comes together. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Didn't see a good reason for the Breen antagonist to actually die. Good tense episode.

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I love me a diplomatic standoff so this was the best episode of the season so far.

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another good episode the other review here whining that some characters are "uninteresting" is not really a thing IMO

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