I donno how I'll be able to go on not knowing how Michael Burnham is feeling every 5 minutes.

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Well, after 5 seasons it’s finally over. The last 25 minutes was totally unnecessary filler. To sit for 25 minutes watching Burnham’s irritating grin, and listening to her whispery dramatic voice was paramount to torture. I sat there just to see where it was finally leading to….nowhere. They should have just cut it off at Suru’s wedding, if they even needed to drag it out that long.

I’ll can now look forward to the next series of Strange New Worlds, if there is one. I’ll also sit in hope that The Orville is finally renewed for another series, although I’m beginning to doubt that will ever happen.

Goodbye Dicovery, you won’t be missed. Not by me anyway.

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That ending could have been accomplished in less than 44 minutes.
Finally over!

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So disappointing and that really bums me out.

I just didn't care. Over and over again, this show expected you to feel something without ever earning it. And that made the end of the episode feel pretty empty for me.

Seemed only fitting that the series ends with one more cringe Burnham whisper-speak and that terrible "let's fly" catchphrase.

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It's finally over.

5 long years of disappointment, unnecessary drama and the most worthless episodes in the entire Star Trek universe.
And yet Discovery also had its strengths, unique episodes and a certain creativity.

As an "old white man" I missed the philosophical and ethical depth that Star Trek stood for for me. But times change and this series also had its moments.

I see Discovery more as a Star Trek anthology series and so it fits again.

Thank you for Strange New Worlds and thank you that we had 5 years of Star Trek even if it wasn't quite what we expected.

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I find it so funny that people spent so much time over the past years to watch 5 seasons of a TV show that they apparently hate. It must be distressing to be unable to make smart life choices.

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Better than expected. Nevertheless the best thing to say about discovery is that it brought SNW.

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Discovery was my first proper Trek show. I'd watched bits and pieces of some of the other shows, particularly TNG and Voyager when they were on TV or when my parents were watching it, and I vaguely remember watching Enterprise, but not enough to really count it in any meaningful way especially as I remember almost nothing about it.

So with all that said this episode, and the show as a whole, is particularly meaningful to me. I've grown and changed with this characters, much as I imagine those who grew up on any of the other shows did too, and it's never easy to say goodbye to anything that means so much.

But I don't feel sad. I'm so happy with how it ended, it was pretty much everything I wanted. And it was hopeful, which feels pretty perfect for Star Trek. I'll never forget this show and until we meet again, "Let's fly".

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Thank god this ended. They are stretching max 2 episode story to a whole season. Yawn..

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Weak writing, some of these episodes. oh if we get all the ships in the plasma cloud we can blow them all up! this [task] is impossible, but... maybe ... :person_facepalming:♂

They also handed the camera to a 5-year-old. The amount of shaky cam is unbearable.

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link to crewman Daniels bio: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Daniels_(Crewman)
Star Trek Enterprise clip where Daniels introduces himself to Archer, and shows his 3D time map: https://youtu.be/5m5HXgP_IwI

link to Star Trek: Short Treks, "Calypso," where Zora meets Craft: https://www-dot-braflix.video/tv/82491/1/2?play=true
(Safety first: uBlock Origin recommended)

I had to pause and re-watch these to re-invest myself emotionally -- seeing Action Saru didn't quite do it. YMMV....

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I hope they never allow any of these writers close to Star Trek again.

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So many missed opportunities to avoid sentimental indulgence and give Discovery a proper science fiction send off! Instead we are back to a fizzle instead of a bang.

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this last series was completely waste. they should have stopped in the 4 series!

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Gravitational chaos indeed... thankfully the photon torpedoes terminated this black hole of a season.

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Even in the Season 5 series finale, most of the actors still look very awkward and uncomfortable around eachother. The way they stand while having conversations, the way they interact, none of it looks nor feels natural and normal. Like they've been given lectures and a set of very strict rules about boundries & personal space, what is acceptable to do and not do, then scripts that go completely against that so they don't ever know or feel comfortable in anything they're doing when there's any kind of interaction between characters.

It's like a series of workmates who would never spend time with eachother outside of work playing out team building exercises put on by some external consultancy. And the script even in Season 5 still felt like it was written by scifi writers then re-written by a mothers group who were doing feelings and emotional insight excercises for a prison group.

This show had a lot of great ideas, a lot of great potential. But the execution was terrible at so many levels.

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A good finale. And now the end of Star Trek Discovery. It's been a wonderful show. Really enjoyed it. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Really happy they got a chance to say a proper goodbye, it was a wonderful ending to a series that introduced me to Star Trek all these seasons ago.

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I’m so happy that they took extra time to develop that finale. Goodbye Discovery

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So much ado about nothing.

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While I did not dislike this season I think the entire plot line of the season was a waste of time. I knew from the get go that the progenitor tech if it was what people thought it was then it would be too dangerous for anyone. And I always felt that they should’ve destroyed any one of the hints along the way. Especially after they saw the future. All they had to do was destroy the hints that they already had and everything would’ve been resolved.

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You've got to be kidding me! The one thing I held out hope for was an explanation to why Discovery was put out in deep space for 1,000 years as seen in the Calypso short. All they did was shoehorn in a 10 minute filler piece of actually taking the ship out but, not why!!

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I’ve loved this show and so glad it got a proper ending to finish it off. I think it ended well and at the right time. I see a lot of people complaining in comments but they’ve been watching all 5 seasons… it can’t be that bad then!

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The best thing that this show is finally over it had me cheering I never had to watch it again .

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I enjoyed the series as a whole. it will be missed.

Also what a way to tie in the Enterprise show.

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I think it is a mistake to cancel Discovery, but this is a satisfactory closure to the delightful series that reprised and rejuvenated the Star Trek franchise. In my opinion, it is a much better wrap than Enterprise and Voyager got.

Also - DANIEL!!!! What a reveal! A subtle promise for future Star Trek... travels ;)

9/10 - because 'Life, Itself' is perfectly imperfect, and it is enough.

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Best Star Trek finale ever. Thoughtful, intelligent, high concept, adventurous.

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Went on a bit too long. Nice effects. Feelings feelings, it’s all about the feelings.

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The cast chases down this treasure for the season and Michael manages to get into it and activate it only to find it's not really nearly as useful as they thought.

The second half of the episode wraps up the show, with an elderly Michael. There were some parts I enjoyed, though i think the episode focused too much on Michael and not enough on the broader cast.

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I didn't really get into watching the other shows except for bits and pieces of reruns really. This show was my favorite of my 33 yrs on earth and one I (usually) eagerly tuned into. This Finale was a bit drawn out and the fight in the Progenitors tech portal was long and seemingly unnecessary but I otherwise liked the finale.

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I have no emotional reaction to this ending AT ALL... I was just happy to see Owo and Detmer for half-a-second...

It ended perfectly for what this became, and I don't hate this show, but it just never found it's feet and they overcompensated in response.

It sort of annoyed me, the odd collection of things in Kovich's (Daniel's the time traveler from Enterprise, apparently; Geordie's Visor, Sisko's Baseball, a bottle of Chateau de Picard Wine, maybe I missed Voyager and TOS, thought I caught the Talaxian Pirate's comment from Booker, so Voyager was referenced, and maybe it was just TOS I missed?

Oh, and tell me that the last black alert jump, the animation was EXTREMELY phallic... Tell me you didn't see it

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I haven't particularly enjoyed this show, but this ending was okay.

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