Yes Star Carp is back and with all things crap, this episode did not disappoint. Though I do wish it was more crappy. A solid 7/10 on the crap scale. Watch at your own risk.

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please stop whispering all the time :weary:

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This show is hopeless. A multi million dollar budget wasted. What could they have done with that kind of money in a different Star Trek show? I'd rather rewatch Seven fight The Rock a dozen times than watch this episode again. It's a pointless hasty sequence of BS. And here they come up with a Casino Royale plot element? Really? The only funny element was perhaps when the two women were tacitly commenting on the name Karma Barge. But that were only 2 seconds of 1 hour of otherwise wasted time.

PS: can they please stop whispering all the time?

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Even with the final twist with the tracker, this makes me cringe. The episode being decided on a card game, a ring match and a sad scene with Stamets and Culber :weary: . Meh episode.

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What does it say about this show that I found this episode an actual improvement over all the emoting and irrelevant personal side issues of the previous episodes? Granted, the dramatic whispering could stop already, but at least there was some kind of plot detectable... still, of course, it had to be Burnham to singlehandedly do everything, there's no one else in the Federation or in Starfleet... still, no Zora issues were a major boon.

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blah. whine whine whine .. "THE DMZ this .. the DMZ that .. "

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What sad and insignificant lives people in the comment section must lead if all they can do it whine about the show but still waste time watching it.
Is there really nothing useful you people can do with your time instead of watching something you don't enjoy?

I enjoyed this episode.

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All this episode was missing was Han, Chewie, and a bar fight.

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Another trash episode, talking to :type_4: ST Discovery

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This episode was so terrible that they didn’t even air it.

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It took almost two seasons but they've finally sold Book and Michael to me... I'm on board now.

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It took almost two seasons but they've finally sold Book and Michael to me... I'm on board now.

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Good episode
To my favourite Trek show
Lots of personalities that
made it fun, I enjoy these
Calmer episodes before
we JUMP back in to the
fate of the universe and
everyone in it are doomed
This show has a great
balance with that.
Michael is awesome
and it was very clever
what she did, she had
me fooled.
Book has let me down
Big time,
Appalling actions
and I absolutely don't
Trust Mirror universe
Douchebag at all,
(Everytime he's on screen
My Spidy sense tingles).

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