I don't like the winner... and the red green gray shape challenge could and probably was so easily rigged based on who production wanted in the final.

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I'm glad Mai won. She's the only one that I liked, since she was the only one with the balls to call out Ashley for her sshitty behavior. Congrats Mai

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The final two games were underwhelming. They were not fun to watch.

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CONGRATS MAI!! You definitely DID earn it. The reveal of the Rock-Paper-Scissors rules with the announcer voice was so… weirdly… hype. Like EVERYONE knows the rules, but hearing them said with this amount of intensity and seriousness? This is what reality tv is all about, baby.

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The last 2 games could have been chosen better

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Expected a bit more from the finale and wanted to see more of the reunion but good show overall! I wonder if they can keep it up for a second season.

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I agree that the Red/Green/Grey challenge could so easily have been rigged, but I'd like to think that was just chance and luck. No skill involved. Which brings me to the final game. Rock, Paper, Scissors. A game of chance and luck in it's simplicity. Not a lot of peril, but they somehow managed to keep up the tension.

I must admit, I would have loved to have seen Phill and Sam in the final round, head to head. I did warm to Mai however in the last two games and for her tenacity, in calling out Ashley for her behaviour and potentially being alienated -- but my heart was for Phill. I would have loved him to walk away with the prize and was good to see some key players back home at the end.

Overall, this was a great 'reality show' version of the original, and hopefully a second season will come, given the little post credit casting call!

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I only watched this because I loved the original Squid Game. I hate reality TV but I will say this was very well done all around. The making of episode after was really informative and fun to watch too. Anyone spoiling the outcome in the comments here without a sensor alert deserves to be executed in the real Squid Game.

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My favorite players were both in the final. Happy to see two emigrants who showed resilience, intelligence, and humanity while being true to themselves. Congrats Mai!! And Phil too!!

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What? Rock paper scissors to win $4.5 million?! :rolling_eyes:‍♂

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I’m okay with the winner! They were always strategic but never nasty, kept to themselves but knew when to be a team player, and just kept playing!
But this show should’ve been 7 episodes tops! They dragged it a lot and some challenges were lack luster. Like the one with the buttons and rock paper scissors.
The finale was anticlimactic and boring.

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A great show, it had us hooked from the start. It had the atmosphere and the feel of the original.

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