This was great on so many levels. Possibly one of the best SP episodes. Its sad to look up and (at time of writing) only see 79% score; not because the number on screen, but

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It seems the Qanon truthers are upset they were made fun of (read the IMDB reviews). They didn't tackle this subjects before because they were off the air, you fng idiots.
Oh, well... Great episode.

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Meh, or should I say oy vey?

Favorite quote by buffalo horns riot guy: "You know what paedophilia is? Here, let me show you." (Buffalo Horns Riot Guy roasted by Native Americans: )

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[5.0/10] A disappointing, scattershot outing for the show. The vaccination jokes were mild. The QAnon jokes were toothless. And the divorce/relationship strain shtick didn't do much for me either. There's some entertaining "Duck Amuck"-style shenanigans with Mr. Garrison, but that's about all this one has. Famous last words, but it sounds like the show's creators are tired of making it.

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Oof, this was really bad. Jokes being rehashed multiple times throughout, a lot of them just falling flat. Part of the appeal of the show had become how relevant their jokes were, but this one is just full of stale material. The pandemic is a year old now, Qanon and the Capitol hill stuff is just easy pickings, and even the vaccine distribution stuff is a month or two old. Nothing special or super on point here.

If this is how it will be from now on, this show will die off very quickly. Guess this is what happens when you haven't stretched your funny bone in a while.

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Worse episode of South Park ever. Paramount should demand their money back.

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"You all better get real woke, real fast."

Once again they are able to make fun of everyone and take it to another level. I didn't laugh as much as I did with the previous special but it still has many crazy moments.

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Remember when SP used to be topical about news that was less than 48 hours old? I guess this is for the fools in the Rona Cult as the jokes are stale and the situation unrealistic… who the hell would line up for a vaccination?

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