It's funny how all the comments are negative but the episode still has great ratings. I guess people who loved it don't bother saying a few words. Well, let me change that: I loved it. It lost a bit of steam towards the end, but for two thirds of this episode, I laughed more than I did in quite some time.

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This was a funny episode

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I didn’t know what a Kaitlyn Jenner was until this episode. Whoah!

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Second episode of the season and I still get the impression that south park has lost its initial houmor which makes me sad.

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Shout by Deleted

south park has lost its chuzpe. this is indeed the finest pc bullshit they ever made. not funny.

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Shout by Kat

I'm all for fun and games but that rape scene was too much. Disgusting.

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Shout by elexen

Better than first episode, though I still didn't like how everyone doubled down on Kyle while they were the ones who started praising jenner. Stan agreeing with cartman while knowing Eric rips on Kyle all the time was little unbelievable. And Kyle's entry at the end to give a speech felt very forced.

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How to kill your show... Write crap like this!! As a hardcore South Park fan I'd rather watch grass grow than second grade fanfic like this!

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Apart Mr. Garrison's curses the episode was mediocre
like first ep
and probably the entier season will be like that

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Just as tedious and boring as the first episode, I really hope by episode 3 they cut out the pc bull****.

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Fun episode with some sharp parody, and more than anything, just some good laughs. Butters, as always, is a highlight with his earnest lameness and sweetness.

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Shout by Deleted

Old and recycled plot. No ideas at all. Please stop makin shows about Canadians.

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I loved the abc's too, that was great.

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LMAO Garrison is off his rocker in this episode and those Canadian ABCs had me dying! hahahaha

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