This was a hilarious episode

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[6.8/10] This one’s kind of all over the place. There’s a lot of good stuff here: Butters being good at a sport that’s based on kindness, many of the NFL critiques, and Randy getting caught in an endless loop of sarcasm. But I’m not a big fan of the whole “everyone uses Butters’s semen as a sports drink” escalating gag (save it for Moral Orel), since it’s gross out humor without anything especially clever about it. And the criticisms of the NFL and replacement refs of the time feel more scattershot than incisive. Even the good parts of the episode get kind of repetitive at times.

Still, the endless sarcasm is fun, and leads to some interesting and funny bits. And sarcastaball itself is just silly enough to get laughs on its own. The episode’s a mixed bag, but still enjoyable enough for the most part, even if it goes off the rails after a while.

Overall, a solid episode that was probably another rewrite or two away from being legitimately good.

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