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Smallville: Season 9

9x01 Savior

Oh shit, so Jimmy really is dead , huh.
I don’t know why I was under the impression that these last two seasons all of them worked happily at the daily planet and everything was peaceful. I thought Lois would fix Jimmy’s thing and all would go back to normal. I don’t particularly care about him but I always pictured him at the DP hanging out with Clois!
And wtf is wrong w Oliver and Clark???? Chloe is mourning and Lois is missing and they just left??? I can excuse them not caring about Chloe, but like none of them was looking for Lois!!!
And this Zodd thing looks really cool BUT I’m gonna miss the last season’s dynamic, like Clois’ reporter adventures, Clark being a lowkey vigilante, businessman Oliver, Tess running the DP, and I know I complained a lot about wanting them to shake things up in previous seasons but this dynamic was too short, I always thought the Zodd thing was on the final season, but it looks cool, I’m game!

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I was expecting the part where chloe asked him to go back to the past and avoid jimmy's death, but it was weird to hear him say NO.
I'm not convinced by the actor, I don't believe he's the general, maybe he'll close my mouth with his role, but for the moment I'm not convinced.
Obviously Clark loves Lois, but I don't know if they know how to handle the relationship.
on the other hand oliver and his rampage, i didn't feel it was a tantrum.
hahaha clark's look is very darks hahaha looks like he listens to panda.
and the girl who wanted to kill lois, haha i hope for more context.
I'll see what happens.

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