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Skull Island 2023

Great series. Kind of short. I want to see what’s next.

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Started off pretty good, but ultimately proved underwhelming.

The setup is all softballs, but they just kept swinging and missing. The girl and dog were charming, but the story never had any real teeth.

The animation was the best thing about the show, and it was just mediocre. Really tried hard to like it, and it's not unwatchable, but there is nothing special here at all.

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Really enjoyed this series. Thought the animation was fantastic and the story was better than any of the Monsterverse movies. Really liked Annie. Thought she was an interesting character. Would love to see more.

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This exceeds all the American movie versions of King Kong and is FAR superior than Kong: Skull Island. This was not something I expected to watch all the way through, but now I want more...

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The first season of the show is alright. I think it struggles with identifying a target audience cuz some dialogue/choices are very adult-oriented and some are very child-like. It’s really weird and I think it takes away from what could be a pretty impactful story. Story is enter enough to keep me hooked though and the animation can be good at times

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If this is supposed to be in the MonsterVerse, why is Skull Island completely different?

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This is essentially a Saturday morning cartoon version of Kong: Skull Island - it's absolutely fine. If you think this is better than the actual Kong: Skull Island then I would like some of what you are smoking, thank you.

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