• Of course he has a giant hologram. He literally clones himself. He's the biggest narcissist in the show

"My body is betraying me." — Adora

"Wait! But it's for science!" — Entrapta

  • Is this the comedy episode?
  • Frosta, that's a psychotic face

"A robot? Where?" — Entrapta

  • She betrayed you, because you left her. Did you guys forget that?
  • I actually didn't get that Entrapta. Please speak English
  • It's nice to get an episode that humanises the supporting cast
  • Yo, Adora's moved on from She-Ra? Eh, she'll get her back later
  • Wait, Micah can shapeshift?

We're not declining, thankfully, but we aren't great. We'll see how it goes.

SCORE: 7/10

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