I'm convinced that Glimmer has a concussion from a recent knock to the head. That girl is bugging OUT omg! Girlfriend needs to listen to her friends and stop being so controlling. Geez.

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I am loving Catra's breakdown and flaring abandonment issues. I usually cannot stand it when characters push everyone away so they wouldn't be hurt, but for some reason, Catra's just so sympathetic.

I am also loving Scorpia's "hello Zuko here" arc. Honestly, I think she's the best friend in this entire series for doing her best to support Catra and make her happy. The princess rebellion and the relationships within just kinda fall flat when compared to that of the horde. I missed her and Double Trouble so much!

Meanwhile, Glimmer is really intolerable now. I was really waiting for Bow to call her hypocrisy out, but him telling her she was wrong when she tried to get him to back her up against Adora was plenty satisfying too.

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  • Double Trouble is fun
  • The draw of power is affecting Glimmer
  • Those three don't look so good
  • Man, I wish we met the people at those places
  • RIP Frosta
  • Catra is insecure
  • I see what Sarcastic Chorus meant by "Glimmer against everyone"
  • Dang, Glimmer is Catra 2.0
  • Woah, Bow, chill out
  • Ruh-roh, power is corrupting Glimmer
  • Wait, does Perfuma eat the ones she controls? That's messed up
  • Ay, Frosta and Scorpia

Oh, thank god, She-Ra's decline is ending. I was almost going to put this show on hold.

SCORE: 8/10

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