The second half of the premier episode is much better than the first half. Part 1 is slow and too rote to distinguish itself from any other fairytale setting. However, this episode allowed the characters to display their individuality well, making them much easier to like and connect with. From Adora's food-gasm at the festival to Bow telling a horse he just met that it had been an honor to fight alongside it, the writing is now unique and fun enough where I can forgive its fashionable lateness.

This is also where get confirmation on what kind of person we suspected Shadow Weaver is, and how (a bit shockingly) Catra always knew and decided to be okay with it for the sake of her friendship with Adora... a friendship that just got shaken apart by Adora's choice to protect a town that the Horde had chosen to destroy.

It's not the best writing you ever watched, but it's good and worth continuing on if you were on the fence up until now.

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Glimmer still has a hard time trusting Adora but Bow obviously already likes her. In this second half of the first episode we figure out a little bit about the First Ones and I'm curious to find out exactly what happened to them and who Adora / She-Ra really is.

Catra is tasked with finding Adora and they clash at a village that's holding a festival, something Adora has never experienced. This is when Adora makes her choice to not go back to the Horde which upsets Catra, who knew Shadow Weaver was manipulating them all along, but she doesn't care because all she wants is for her and Adora to be together.

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