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Sex/Life 2021

Its all about one house wifes identity crisis combined with some sex scenes…

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All of that angst for it to end like that? Honestly...

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This show is freaking joke… hahahaha such bad writing, bad acting… I don’t even know where to begin. The protagonist is a freaking disaster, she doesn’t even know what she wants to do with her life. I guess majoring in Psychology didn’t help her that much. I can’t even believe I went through all the episodes. And the ending? It’s the cherry on top. It’s an absolute WASTE OF TIME!

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It's not that great. I watched it only because I was a huge Sarah Shahi fan after Person of Interest. She was great in that show, but it's hard to tell in this show if it's her acting is bad or if it's just her character/role which makes her not so fun. She seems worse when she has interactions with her kid. I know he's just a kid, but damn such a lame kid. Couldn't find a better cast?

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It is something I am going to watch again? certainly no. It was entertaining, despite conflicting writing for the characters. Ending was anti climactic despite very well paced episodes.

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despite what you think of her choices during this identity crisis, it's a good show to finally have a woman be the focus. Women are not one-dimensional and it's a good to be getting more shows that show that complexity, as well as womens desires. I find the show human to explore some peoples life issues openly and even though billie is the main character so we are following her inner turmoil, all of the characters have some flaws. It puts you on a position where you can understand differemt characters actions for being human yet dislike it too. I kind of like the subtle questions about psychology, monogamy and code switching, women's roles to play wife, wondering who you really are as a person, still able to be a great mom while doing this. also their friends that took them to the sex party are horrible "friends", damn. if there is a 2nd season, I'm not really sure what more could be done, but still interested to see. i hope she finds out who she really is and makes her feel whole, depending on her choices, with or without a man. I finished the show really quick

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This show is probably made for the same target audience as 50 Shades. It has attractive people, a lot of sex, some thoughts about monogamy, marriage, and suburban life. Much like in 50 Shades, the sex scenes, however steamy or well-placed, seem unnecessary and boring after a while (I remember in 50, the author just started to write things like "And they had sex." because she, too, were probably fed up with writing all the sighs down.) The chemistry is actually strong between the two leads (as in 'Billie' and 'Brad'), I just found out they are dating in real life, so that is why. Good for them. In any case, if you don't take this show seriously, it's not a bad watch. If you do, well, there might be problems, especially with the ending, but there will be a second season, so we'll see...

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So...swinger party is not ok but open marriage apparently is the solution. This show is funny as hell. Same 40 years old tits are showing over and over though so it is quite boring. There should be some younger women at least!!!

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A great litmus test regardless of its quality as a TV show. Nobody would bat an eye if the lead was a man who wanted to find himself and divorced his wife but switch the gender and watch people freak out lol. Fuck your hypocrisy.

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Shout by Mini-J

Overall this season was rushed and whilst I love a happy ending and was desperate for her to get with Brad, this ending felt too fairytale. Loved Cooper’s arc though and the exploration of male heartbreak.

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After not really being a fan of the first season, I was disappointed to see that a second season got announced. The show is a pretty clumsy plot that ultimately feels like a more sexual Hallmark movie. There is an audience out there for it, but for the most part it is really skippable.

Average Season Review: 6/10

Recommendation: Skip (For 50 Shades Fans)

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woke or references to NWO and I'm outta here.

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CHEATERS GALORE, everyone's a cheater but we'll justify their cheating and make you feel bad for them. This show was made by someone deranged because they wanted an excuse for their horrible actions.

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There have been many great shows and movies starring compelling anti-heroes. This is not one of them. Instead, we get what should be a 90 minute film stretched to 8 hours, over the course of which our protagonist will become insufferable and whiny and a massive narcissist, make a ton of bad decisions, which somehow doesn't stop the show or character from blaming men for her problems.

Also of note, the main character studied psychology, two other psychologists appear in the show. Not one of them suggests talking about what's bothering her to her husband.

Also also of note. Her kids are set dressing. Well it may have been acceptable in a movie where things need to flow fast, in an 8 hour series too not bring up what the kinds of problems she's creating can do to her kids is noticeable in its absent (something again all these psychologists should be bringing up).

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1-3 :heart: = Thanks for the effort but no.
4-6 :heart: = Good. You may or may not enjoy this.
7-8 :heart: = Not my favorite but I recommend.
9-10 :heart: = Definitely well crafted!

Not my favorite but I do get the concept of the story. I'm glad though that they're going to create season 2 for this maybe that'll bring justice to the story.

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I have no idea why I watched this garbage lol
probably gonna drop it and never watch S2 (if it happens, I bet Netflix will cancel)

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Words cannot even described how pissed off that ending made me.. like are you kidding lmao wow. Anyways.. No likeable characters.. not even the kids lol (kidding). Good watch tho ig..

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I tried to finish it, but I just can't. #teamnoone since everyone seems toxic AF so far and everyone is in it for themselves.

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wast of time. miss picturing everything and zero sense all over the series

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A fine piece of trash to have a drink and watch alone. Shout-out to that shower scene. A solid 5.75/10

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Can't make a wife out of a ho the TV series.

Hope you guys are watching and paying close attention, because this is how it happens.
I mean a smarter woman would have a lock code on her laptop and turn her phone's location off or "accidentally" leave her phone at home so her husband can't track her... but outside of those obvious things it's pretty accurate.

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Really ? 4 weeks postpartum, lactation, uterus cramps etc and all she think about is getting crazy sex O_o That is crazy ridiculous fantasy.

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