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Sex Education: Season 3

3x02 Episode 2

Well, looks like this show subverted my expectations yet again. I was sure the Isaac thing was gonna be dragged out till the last possible moment. I'm pleasantly surprised.

In other news, Maeve's mom is still the worst, the headmistress has made the fastest change from hero to villain I've ever seen, Maeve and Aimee's friendship is everything to me, Adam's character development is great (I love that he's finding ways to change his harmful patterns of behavior, we stan) and Otis and Ruby might just be the first time I actually ship the couple that's in the way of another couple I'm rooting for.

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I'm glad Isaac came clean early in the season. Maeve was never going to be okay with that he did, so best to be done with it now.

And I'm getting strong Delores Umbridge vibes from the new headmistress. I'm guessing there will eventually be a student revolt and Groff will somehow get his job back, possible with less fervor than before?

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I really liked how they managed Isaac's "confession": multi-layered characters who may act shitty in the heat of the moment, but not for its own sake or - worse - just for complicating the plot and getting it one, are some of the best in creating a believable and complex framework for the story (even and especially if they're secondary ones).
Same - and even more - goes for Adam and his development.

Even if Otis and Maeve are THE couple, I kind of like the relationship with Ruby evolving and not being just a filler.

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The Eric/Adam thing is getting cuter and cuter! And for some reason, I don't hate the Otis/Ruby couple.

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I’m glad Isaac came clean, but at the same time love that Maeve doesn’t just let it slide either.

But oh dear. That head teacher seemed fun. Until she didn’t. What the f is her beef with Otis’ mom though. That just seems petty.

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still love this show. But, i think it's time to make an end to Meave. This thing with her (and otis) its gets annoying, and not everybody is ready for love at that age. spend the tine with something else

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This episode was really good i loved how well the sound track matched the vibe so well

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Not the biggest fan of how quickly the headmistress became a bad guy. It was obvious it was going to happen, but she went from cool dood to Umbridge almost instantly.

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Loved this episode, loved the characters development and the writing. Also, what other show could feature Doris Day, Duran Duran and KRS-One all in one episode.

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I knew something was wrong with Hope, who takes away noserings in 2021?!

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The stupidity and unforgivably bad writing of the end of the previous season continues into this one. The characters are all played out, so it's resorted to gimmickry already.

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