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Sex Education: Season 2

2x05 Episode 5

“You dont end up in bad situations, you make bad decisions.”
Yupp. No excuse.

Also that neighbour in the wheelchair. Unpopular opinion but only because you’re in a wheelchair doesn’t give you a free card to be an asshole. But w/e they’ll probably start liking one another or something.

“Vaginal pleasure doesn’t diminish with age or lack of contact.” Noooo, but it can by trauma and other mental issues, which I suspect “not getting touched by your significant other for 6 years while longing for a physical relationship” might provoke. Strongly.

Yikes. Remi’s got some problems. He came off so differently in the first season. Like he’s really mellowed.

”I want a divorce” yeeeeeee, you go girl! Good for you!
Nice fade into a sort of “your bowl my mangos” kind of image.

And I absolutely loved the ending. Ola really has been annoying me way more lately. And she used to be so cool.

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Yaaas, I'm so glad Otis sees Adam as I do! I honestly don't understand why do people support him over Rahim. Rahim was sweet from the first moment and didn't have a single bad word towards Eric (or anyone else). Maybe Eric feels "special"(?) because the bully started to have feelings for him, but I 100% agree with Otis - Eric hid this fact and their sneak-outs because deep down he, too, knows that Adam is not a good person.
And how glad I am that he realized this and chose Rahim!

I saw that coming from Ola when she accidentally leaned a little close to Lily in the previous episode (or 2 episodes ago?). Though the way she handled things with Otis and Lily... eh, really not the best thing to do. Spontaneousness might have its advantages, but in this episode Ola showed us its downsides. Think before you act.

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Arg, again with pansexuality. SHE'S BISEXUAL! Jesus!

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I'm a bit annoyed with the "will they, won't they" that just keeps dragging now. That text Otis sent to Maeve feels like such a cheap plot device just to keep them separated even though Ola broke up with him shortly after. When will writers learn that you can have the main characters as couple and still keep the show going? There's so much to explore in relationships and we have so many interesting side characters/plots in this show.
And I hope Jackson/Viv (and Meaeve/wheelchair guy) will stay platonic friends. They could be a cute couple, but this season just had too many people hooking up with each other already for my taste and writers need to learn that platonic relationships are a normal thing.

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So glad that Adam's mom wants a divorce. She deserves better.

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Ola's character was really ruined in this episode with the way she gave Otis an ultimatum, that was really unlike her. But I guess that's life. Only proves that when you feel you have to give your partner an ultimatum - the relationship is already doomed. Too bad she realized it before Otis sent Mevae that message. But that might be a lesson to him as well, play it less safe and to try to go with what he really wants.
I feel we didn't get enough of Rahim to decide who's better for Eric, him or Adam, he must have some other hidden issues as well, like how he got to England in the first place, and why he lives above the store, who are his parents etc.
I hope we'll get more of that in the remaining episodes of the season

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I'm happy Ola and Otis aren't together anymore and that Maureen wants a divorce, yeehaw!

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What I love about this show is the complicated relationship between each characters

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Oh, the sweet drama xD

Ola and her dreams about Lily. And how she has to tell everything to Adam xD

Adam being Adam.

Remi, Otis, and Eric hiking <3
Remi: "No, we're not getting a fucking hotel!"

Jakob continuing to make lots of noise while Jean feels guilty.

Otis telling Ola "I love you", Ola breaking up with Otis followed by Ola kissing Lily and getting rejected. Now both Otis and Ola are suddenly alone... :o :D Otis just shouldn't have send that text message to Maeve...

PS: I feel so bad for Maureen Groff. Michael isn't beating her or anything but he's just so emotionless :o Quite sad...

PPS: At least Eric and Rahim are back on track! I really like that. Feels so much better than Eric and Adam. I hope Adam also finds someone.

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hey, that everybody got screwed and got along at the same time in this episode.

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I have to go and do homework. :joy:

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"You don't end up in end up in bad situations, you make bad choices"

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OMG, so much going on, so many broken hearts!

ask yourself... why have you been hiding it?

Finally a sensate thought.

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