The scenes when they are all together are always so freaking good! Also, I love that out of all of them the most badass is the Korean lady.

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Wonderful, and it confirms my mixed feeling about the first season that they should scale down the rambling length and plot by half. This mostly ditches the mythology and instead becomes a very, very infectious celebration of compassion, inclusivity, and interconnected joy admist the holiday spirit. It spikes to a joyous high every time the music comes on to let all sensates discover just how not alone they are in this world. Love.

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This episode is s02e00 not s02e01 !

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“We exist because of sex. It’s not something to be afraid of. It’s something to honor. To enjoy”.

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Shout by Deleted

"I can't get shot again. I just came out of the hospital, that would be terrible plotting."
I love this series.

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i have officially never felt better watching a special episode, or any episode for that matter

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That was one hell of a wild ride! :D

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Wow. Just... wow.

I think the mind-boggling depth of them all being (what appeared to be) fully "present" at several different birthday parties at once was what impressed my poor struggling brain the most. But there was so much else. The varied real personal struggles of each of Will, Lito, Sun, Kala, Wolfgang,... and the way they keep growing more fluent with their connections, keep showing up for each other...

Okay, yeah, the sex-visuals were arguably a bit much, IMO, but those weird virtual-orgy-esque crossovers are completely consistent with the growing connections (and blurring boundaries?) between the cluster-members, so...

Did I mention wow?

Looking forward to how these struggles all proceed, and what the cluster does about Whispers -- did Riley's flickering eyes look like she was chasing the beginnings of an idea? -- when episodes resume...

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Thank you for coming back!!!
I really miss this show!!
OF COURSE THEY HAVE AN ORGY!! And is hotter than the fist one.
I'm so glad Lito has people through this hard time.
Nomi & Amanita are too cute!! I loved them.
Kala & Wolfgang are really adorable!! They need to be together real soon.
Poor Will, everything is mess up. Thank God Riley is with him.
Capheus!! You look different! LOL! I like that joke. He's such a sweetheart.
I love that Sun has her little family over there.
I'm so ready for season two.

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What an amazing episode! It was a goddamn emotional rollercoaster - I cried, I laughed and then I cried some more. I loved every minute of it and I just realized how much I actually missed this show and the fantastic characters :')

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I just realized how much I missed them

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Love that I can always see the beauty in them:two_hearts:

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Hallelujah!!! Loving the new season!

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Really great! I like how they're more interactive with each other now.

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Shout by Deleted

Great episode, full of emotions, I enjoyed it a lot ❤

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Fantastic episode, good ending, don't watch it alone or you will feel like a loser.

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Rating this 10 for the ascertainable effort that went into building this episode, as well as the length, the consideration for the viewers and the quick cameo of Lana towards the end of the episode. Passionately waiting for season 2 :)

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Sex, sex, sex, sex and more sex. This is a porn series?

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Such perfection should not be possible, and yet it is. I'm so depressed that we have to wait sooooo long for the next season.

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