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Secret Invasion: Season 1

1x05 Harvest

Oh wow. I couldn't believe it when the episode ended. This was straight up boring and I was left with the feeling that nothing really happened in this episode. A couple of nobodies were killed and we got a lot of dialogue that didn't move the story in any direction. Ben-Adir fails in bringing tension and danger to the story. He acts like a thug and he doesn't give me the feeling that Gravik is that intelligent.

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Even though it's such small role, Olivia Colman appearing in almost every episode disqualifies her for guest category, right? Nevertheless I loved every second of her in this. The writers seem to really relish writing her and she's having a grand old time with it. "Start from the very beginning, and don’t miss out a damn decimal point."

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House need 3 things :
- Discretion (Every Skrulls know the address)
- Security (Everyone enter without any alarm and no bulletproof glass)
- Light (Lots of window go very well with the first 2)

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Olivia Colman is the best part of this whole damn show

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Bad. Horrible. Stupid. Irritating. Atrocious.

1,2,3... yeah that is five words!
Best thing it's only one shitty episode left.

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Six votes before release, why is this allowed?

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Emilia Clarke holding a gun makes me laugh hard. She was dreadful in Terminator and she's dreadful in this.

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This was by far the best episode, between finally moving the plot forward after last week's standstill outing, some satisfying action sequences, and a rather surprising and entertaining plot twist when it comes to what's going down with Gravik and his crew. We also finally get that killer Fury that we've been waiting for by the end, I think, which is what we've been wanting this whole time.

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Shout by acole
BlockedParent2023-07-20T14:07:42Z— updated 2023-07-21T14:19:18Z

really liked this episode. and how is start looking at how other countries are reacting to it and the politics and how it is all at play

when James Rhodes said England at 20:40, I almost lost it, why can't the writers, get it right, it's the United Kingdom it's not one country as a British person, I find it sad that people don't see the different diverse cultures in the UK that are very close it would be the same as me calling the USA, New York or Florida or Washinton I know it sci-fi and not Basiced in reality but can people at least make an effort.

other than that one thing it was great, maybe I am being a bit petty but that's how I felt that moment.

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so that lady expose that alien by shooting him in the leg without killing him.. but fury doesnt know he can do that ?

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Dumb, dumber, Fury (or the responsible writers).

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So Good
And things really seem
desperate, the last thing
anyone needs is for
Gravik getting his hands
on the Harvest.
Fury pulled off the best
Suit-up ever, that was so
Gravik needs stopping
Whatever It Takes.

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A totally useless episode.
Olivia Colman is fucking crazy.

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Okay, Rhodey gets PotUS, who's apparently really an idiot, to sign off on an attack on the Skrull compound in Russia. We discover that Fury gathered DNA from every Avenger, and that Gravik has those except for Carol Danvers' (which doesn't make much sense, since she was the only one who had direct dealings with Skrulls, so it should have been the easiest DNA to gather - she was on a Skrull ship after all). Falsworth joins Fury. And honestly, every second Colman is on this show is a bonus.

Fury has more graves than anybody knows of - do all of them contain secrets?

Still think that Varra's subplot's superfluous. Why does G'iah go to her - only to spend some 5 filler-minutes in a very short episode shooting people??? And when exactly did Fury go back for Talos' body? And please, could we stop with small world-syndrome? It takes people some time to get from England to Finland to Russia... the editing was really sloppy as it shows Gravik back in Russia before Fury brought PotUS to the hospital.

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Good lord we're almost done and I still don't care. And this might be the best episode of the series honestly.

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Curious to watch more of Michael Bhim's work to see if this being the only episode he's credited on as a writer is the reason it suddenly exploded into rich and gripping character scenes that suddenly got me invested not so much in the plot, but the relationships at play, and also feels like it finally energized the actors with some good material to chew on.

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Maybe it’s the shorter runtime or the more Colman, but it feels like this episode was a real step up from the last one.

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Shout by Smatthew

okay, lets be real .. Fury has LMD's. Give it time, one will show up

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G'iah's shotgun is named Dracarys.

This was one of the strong episodes. Things are starting to congeal and make more sense as more cards are placed on the table. There are still a lot of pieces of this show that feel stilted and undercooked, but overall my approval is going up the further the story progresses. And, just like everyone else says, Olivia Colman is one of the most enjoyable parts of it.

The thought of Nick Fury having graves of himself all over the world is very on-point for his morbid sense of humor. But I rolled my eyes that he had a whole private crypt just for a gun and a change of clothes. It feels like someone watched Terminator 3 right before production began. Fury may as well have had to shoot his way out of the graveyard while carrying a casket marked Phillip Coulson that was actually filled with a bunch of weapons.

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Oh hey it's the guy that gave Black Widow equipment in her movie. I guess Fury knows him. Y'know that guy played Daenerys's second husband in Game of Thrones, it'd be funny if his character and Gaia met up.

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Very much a filler episode to get us to the finale. Most of the MCU shows seem to take a step back in the penultimate episode and this was no different, and although there was still a lot to like here, I'm not feeling much suspense as we lead into the finale. On the positive side, the action in this episode was quite enjoyable -- directed well with some good stunt work. And a part of me likes the character work we got for Fury about needing to handle this on his own and we can't always rely on superheroes to save us. There's maybe an interesting message there, but it's also a bit silly. This was by no means a bad episode but it just felt a bit flat for a penultimate episode.

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Shout by Adrian

Man…they really killed him off.

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So "the harvest" is of all The Avengers?! and is that why he has Hulk powers in the next episode?!

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