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Search Party 2016

I had the time of my LIFE what a ride

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A show where nothing really happens and everyone is so annoying and self-obsessed but, somehow, you can't help but feel compelled to watch the next episode because you want to know what's (not) going to happen next.

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I could do without the Elliot character. And I am not saying that to be homophobic, I am a gay man myself. He is just a horribly unlikable character. I find myself wanting to skip through scenes with him in it. Would it have killed the writers to put in a gay character that is a decent human being?

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what a delightfully funny show that ended at 4 seasons and definitely didn't make any episodes beyond that specifically with the series finale ending at 28 minutes 2 seconds and having absolutely no scenes beyond that

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Wow, so good. I thought I was starting a comedy show, I didn’t expect it to get as dark and twisty as it did! But this was a pleasant surprise. I got so invested, I ended up HATING dory. I love that it was also a comedy bc it gave much needed relief throughout and helped make you love the characters. I thought every season was amazing except season 5. My fav tv show that I’ve watched this year so far!!!

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what did we do to deserve Search Party?

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Dark humor, it's original.

loading replies guys. This's like, you, literally...nothing happened.
yeah biznitches, that's a deep cut right there!

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The ending is FANSTASTIC. If nothing else, watch the last episode.

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I was expecting a great mystery show. Do I regret watching this? Yes, every character was horrible, self-obsessed, and I can't find anything to like about them. The plot is ok I guess, and I laugh at some scenes.

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Quirky... original... humor... engaging -- a fun watch and just 10 quick 30 minute episodes.

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This show has its ups & downs; in the story, writhing, acting, characters, and so on. It’s like watching a really bad train wreck that’s about to happen in super slow motion. You know you should walk away but you just can’t. It’s like that with this show; you know you shouldn’t watch it but can’t stop watching. Seriously, you’ll hate watching it but will have fun watching it. When season 3 hit, watched it in 2 days. It’s a great time pass...

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Season 5, episodes 1 to 6 were very good, the same like seasons 1 to 4, they were funny, captivating, made you love Dory, then question her motives, they were quirky and weird in a fun way.
But episodes 7 to 10 were very bad, like the writers took acid while being high on LSD and thought "how can we take this series over the top, what can Dory do to ruin her friends life?", and they ended up with zombie apocalypse.
Also, they were a lot of side stories that seemed to have no development or impact, like Elliot's kid, the Spencer society, Chantal's mentor.
Overall, a great show to watch, despite it's quirky ending.

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i love a show full of incompetent shitty people who do terrible stuff but who are also incredibly stupid. hilarious!!

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I have never seen a show go so far off the rails. From watching the first season I could never dream where the show ultimately ends up. It’s certainly surprising, though not always in a good way. Overall an enjoyable watch and truly wild.

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Characters boring, plot boring, lacks the comedy in "dark comedy", I say this after 4 episodes, how did it get 5 seasons?!

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Season 1 is just a grotesque warmup. But then - Oh my freaking goat! - the plot becomes more and more abstruse, bizarre and terrific, including satirical looks at the/my millennial/hipster generation with every moment of watching. Crazy oneliners by self-obsessed characters, especially by Elliott & Portia!

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millennial satire, gets weird and unexpected

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The Show was always brillant, but Season 4 just kills it. Cant get better in any way. :fire::fire::fire:

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The whole show should be just about Elliott & Portia. 2 of the best characters. They will literally have you on the ground laughing.

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Shout by Deleted

Only a few episodes in, but it's got something that makes it stand out. I heard someone say that this was very Pynchon-like which made me have to check this out, and it did and it is very Pynchon-like, so I'll say it here in case that helps anyone else make the leap :)

some real The Crying of Lot 49 vibes... almost too strong maybe?

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i give this 3 out of 10.....the last 3 episodes were good and that's about it

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