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Scandal: Season 7

7x18 Over a Cliff

What a disappointing ending to a weak season. All was solved too easily and conveniently. The good guy dies and the bad guy walks.

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I really used to like Scandal. The first 4 seasons were really good. The following seasons, were not as good, in my opinion.
I'm just a little disappointed.
But, Kudos to Joe Morton for an outstanding performance again!
The two kids looking at Olivia's Portrait, though? Are they Olivia's daughters, so the scene is set in the future? Or does the protrait means she became the first female black president? Shonda Rhimes did not want to answer that and said it was a "secret" on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I think. It's up to us to imagine and assume, then.
Nevertheless, thank you Scandal for a decent 6 years of entertainment.
I will always remember the iconic Olivia Pope every time I grab a glass of wine or/and some popcorn. :)

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Cyrus resigned?????? I'm dissappointed. He should be in Jacksonville jail, side by side with Jack. Too good for him. Satan himself. Did the writers got tired at the end?

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OMG... Poor David. He was the only good guy. I didn't like that he died.
I'm glad Jake and Cyrus end up with nothing left. I always thought that one of them or both were going to died at the end. They did so many bad things and deserve a better punishment.
I'm glad Quinn and Bernard had their happy ending.
Mellie did good! She was better than the others.
Olivia and Fitz. I knew they will end together.
I'm going to miss this show. The characters were so good and the drama too. Thank you for all the entertainment.

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Wow, that was complete and utter bullshit. I can't count all the sharks this show has been jumping over in the last 2-3 seasons and I'm very glad this was the last one.

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Watchable, but not the best season by far.

New men of power than have suddenly just appeared from thin air.
Liv is a top notch twat. But somehow only needs three episodes to redeem 3 seasons of utter twatness.
Jake, the man who wanted out, is now suddenly power hungry.
Huck just whimpers all season.
Don’t even get me started on Cyrus having totally different goals this season.
And Dave. Noooo, Dave!
Eli deciding that Olivia (his actual child) and Jake (his essentially adopted child) were never enough to make him soft but some random woman he kidnaps’ baby is all he needs in life.
Fitz was pretty pointless this entire last season.
Only really Charlie and Mellie that seemed to stay in character and actually offer anything to the series.

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Series finale. I think they should all end up in jail. You have to be stupid to do that. A final very ... without words. It's over, finally

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In what world does Cyrus resigning and David dying equal good ending? David has been a pillar for good most the shows life. Yes he has had his hiccups but they are the size of mustard seeds compared to the transgressions of everyone else. Is this like an allegory for what DC does to people IRL?? Smh

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They didn't deserve there "happy ending" at all ! They should and up in jail. Very ,very, very bad end of series.

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final season was disappointing. the final episode was a major let down. scandal was one of the greatest TV shows. the truly sad part is we know they could've done better.

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Not a good end of show finale The episode before this one was more intense.
Good thing its over. It overstayed by 3 series

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What an epic disappointment. Been waiting for Cyrus’s epic downfall for seven seasons... only to see that? That show had so strength, such passion... I will definitely miss the very first seasons. Sad that Scandal jumped the shark so many times and that nothing, absolutely nothing has been done to make it amazing again. Solid cast of actors, though. I’ll miss the Gladiators for sure.

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