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Scandal: Season 7

7x13 Air Force Two

I FUCKING KNEW THAT CYRUS HAD SOMETHING TO DO WIH IT! Jake sure doesn't get along well with Cyrus but he could have killed him easily and make it look nothing like a murder as he said. But the second I saw that reporteror whoever she was, the one who filmed the live video, being calm when everyone was scared for their lives at the end and they both kinda nodded at each other, then I knew it! She was working for him and told her to do what she did. Ha! Awesome script, in my opinion.

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Fuck... Cyrus is a master mind!!!
Of course it has to been him!!!
He's obsessed with the idea of becoming the "hero".

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Cyrus Beene is a messy bench who loves drama and I’m into it

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The clues say it, but that does not make any sense

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Oh wow. Cyrus was behind the whole thing. What a surprise... (Just kidding, that was the least surprising turn on events ever, by the end of the show I’m pretty sure Olivia will find out that Cyrus has been behind every scandal in US History. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’s even behind the Watergate scandal and Lincoln’s assassination).

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