I’m so over Rowan and “Jake” lol

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Jake got offered to be in a "Unit"? Is his cover name going to be Bob Brown? I bet it will!

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How Jake joins the B613, the classic struggle in the Pope Family

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This has to be one of my favourite episodes of Scandal, yet.
Yeah, the schematics are repetitive and we've already seen this kind of behaviour from Jake, Olivia and her dad before.
And yeah, we get that it's pretty much impossible to free oneself from Papa Pope's grasp, as they've shown us what feels like a kajillion times already.
But what I found really interesting about this episode are the constant flashbacks into Jake's past, since this was the first time we were ever granted with not only a glimpse of it, but an entire revelation as to why it really is so fricking hard to escape Olivia's dad and to rid oneself from his influence.
Conclusion? Rowan's a psychopath. Yeah, nothing new. But the kind and amount of psychological terror that he'd put on Jake over the years finally gives us a logical explanation to Jake's and Olivia's behaviour over the past seasons that at first glance might've seemed a bit irrational and without logic.

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OMG BEST AND WORST EPISODE!! I can't even breath.......Jake.....

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Yessss Jake... pour your heart out to Liv!

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Papa Pope just lit Ballard up... with one hand! Lol

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stunning, heart-breaking, and real! shonda truly at her best!

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