When I do vote, it won’t be from watching that performance challenge. Am I the only who can never understand what they’re saying? And the decision to have a lip sync for the win was probably based on the fact that the show wasn’t ready to lose Q or Plane Jane… which would have likely been the case.

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One of the weakest episode so far with non-elimination. Really, gurl?!?

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Come On Non-Elimination Episode :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

Morphine looked gorge.

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I'm glad the show understood that we'd rather see the queens succeed than fail. morphine having her moment of glory in this episode was everything to me. he top placements were fair, and the bottom placements will forever remain in the imagination. for me, it would be fair if the bottom two were dawn and q, with dawn leaving, because even though mhyia has been in the season for way too long, she wasn't worse than these other two in the challenge.

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