A great example that even if drama was entertaining in the first seasons, sisterhood and love are always something good and better to see on television. I love the entire cast, I was rooting for either Lady Camden or Willow Pill so I am really happy with this finale, also I wouldn't mind a top 5 and solo lipsyncs on future seasons, all of them were absolutely gorgeous!

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Honestly, if I were RuPaul, I'd also just keep throwing money at the s14 queens, they gave us everythingg (except for a good snatch game)

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More than ever, this finale feels like a formality. The abrupt solo lipsync for the crown, the obviously rehearsed closing move by Camden and Willow, the arbitrary top 2 without any build up. I'm happy with the winner and the runner-up but the episode was obviously unnecessary when the winner had been decided even before Ru stepped on stage.

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