it had been a WHILE since a drag race elimination had fucked me up this hard..... phew

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Oof baby, this episode was hard! Mixed feelings, on one hand I think Pangina gets some karma back to her for eliminate Jimbo when she doesn't deserved it but on the other hand I'm not a fan of people getting rid of tough competition even if they can do it, I don't feel good about Blu's position, I think she just thought on how to win and a good strategy but people will not like this... after loosing Lemon, Jimbo and Pangina this shows goes downhill, If Blu or Janey don't win this I will be devastated.

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I fully disagree with Blue's choice to eliminate Pangina. Yeah, it was gagworthy for her to eliminate someone who had won 2 badges, but it was also just harrowing to watch Pangina's reaction, she was devastated, more than any eliminated queen I've ever seen. Not to mention, I think the strategy to eliminate big competition is lazy.

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I'm tired of Baga. The winner was sent away.

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Shout by Carlos Antônio
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-02-24T01:48:26Z— updated 2022-02-25T14:57:01Z

Blu played the game. Pangina eliminated Jimbo at the very first time she was in the bottom, so why the same couldn't apply to her?

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I mean… you eliminate a Queen because she’s a threat to you, you can’t be surprised to see the same done to you the following week. I for one am glad she got picked and left the show.

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Welp... guess there's no reason to watch the rest of this season.
So heartbroken for Pangina. Blu pulled a Naomi Smalls and sent home the one that was gonna be the clear winner of the season. First Manilla and now Pangina. The All Stars format doesn't work, you're not putting forward the best queens to win.

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This episode makes me think that it's about time to stop watching Drag Race. I can almost forgive the overkill of so many franchises, seasons and episodes with no break in between, but not completely warrantless eliminations unconnected to merit.

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This All Stars rule thing definitely needs some revision, or at least casting does. There are those seasons where you go, "It's anyone's game at this point, any of them could be Top 3/4," and it'll hurt to see the eliminated queen go but it's alright in the long run. This season is the exact opposite with the clear Top 2 gone.

It's especially sad to me that these particular set of queens are the ones that chose to "play" when they're the ones not actually competing for prize money lol, whereas we've seen other US All Stars queens choose 'fairly' despite this lowering their chances at the prize.

Also, 2 consecutive episodes now that the queens' choices have legitimately surprised me. From Janey and Jimbo's conversation, I thought for sure she would have picked Jimbo. Meanwhile, I didn't think Pangina would pick Jimbo last ep, and same with this one, I was literally rooting for Blu because the way she spoke to the girls made me actually think she was gonna save Pangina.

Side-note: Blu definitely killed it in the episode though. Snatch Game, the runway, and Pangina fans XD

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how did a franchise with so much potential start out so, so badly... my god. i hope season two is one of those cases where season two buries season one. baga chipz is so annoying. i would've preferred to keep the good memory i had of her in uk1, now i just see her as delusional and inconvenient. i want mo heart to take that crown, and i need jujubee and baga to be eliminated as soon as possible.

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