So far the human elements are outweighing the alien stuff. Like why did Isobel get so upset when she learned Rosa disliked her & was avoiding her on her last day alive?

I did not like Isobel's weirdly applied eyeliner. No makeup for you.

Max/Liz give me emotional whiplash
"I need my armor, Max."
"I don't kill girls named Rosa, Liz."

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rosa really has that alison dilaurentis vibe. enjoyed the passive aggressiveness kyle was giving max throughout the episode. and the relationship with kyle and liz is nice. i don't see them actually dating but being good friends.

kyle: "you just gonna stand there evans?"
max: has a temper tantrum for the 10th time

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Cute episode but did they really f:asterisk_symbol:ck in her dead sister’s room? :sob:

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