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Room 104 2017

This is so weird, I dont like it but I cant stop watching... What sorcery is this?

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When a show is so different from one episode to the next, it is hard to properly recommend or discuss it. Whereas something like Twilight Zone or Black Mirror you know the general vibe, Room 104 truly is always changing. Some episodes are better than others. And because some episodes are better than others, the constructed order of the season alters the season rating based on pacing and flow from one episode to the next. There are also a bunch of quality actor appearances. With that being said, I find it hard to recommend the show as a whole, but if you are an anthology show fan, you should at least give the show a chance.

Average Season Review: 7.38/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Anthology Show Fans)

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dropped. its way too mediocre. i can do mediocre but this is just... too much

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Shout by Deleted

remake of inside nº 9 ? ..

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There's no two ways around it, this is a bad series. Every single episode is a lengthy exploration of literally nothing. No intrigue. No particular acting skill. No finding yourself drawn to the characters or setting. This is leftover ideas compiled with hot names onto a series of abject failure and low effort. You see every plot point coming. You can predict the dialogue. It's just all-around cheap. You won't remember moments or lines from old episodes. You won't care to revisit even a favored actor who got conned into appearing in this. I watch it sped up like a CW show so, on the off chance we're discussing it and I just finished an episode, I can lay into the degree of specific criticism that manifests as the tar creeps over me. I actually decided to rate it one heart lower after reading this because it's HBO. You don't get to be HBO and accept this. That's a poor job.

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Yeah sick! I love it

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Too much weird shit for me.
Feels a lot like art school students got some budget and this was the result

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I am only half way through the second season at this moment. I can't recall ever seeing a show (particularly anthology shows which I have watch many of) with such consistently horrible endings on basically every single episode.

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A decent anthology series. Each episode is another story of different people at different periods of time. Anything can happen, and it does. Some stories are really good, some are a miss, some leave you scratching your head.

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TheLeVie — thank you for a great review.

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Overall very weird. Not quite sure if I like it on episode 6 now. I like that every episode is different and that nothing is connected so far but all I can say is that perhaps it's a bit too weird for my taste or not weird enough.

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