Jared Leto's Joker giving a make-up tutorial,
CVS coupons make trees cry ('cuz they're so long),
Romans crucify the Easter Bunny by mistake,
Snake doing brutal stand-up about her husband,
Indy chose the cup of a carpenter,
The sorcerer's apprentice learned his lesson -- just like Merlin did.
Batman... got... Joker. HAHAHA
Kindergarden Cop teaches gender identity sensitivity...??
The Titanic story of Rose & Jack takes a spin down the pipe to Alviso.

Those weren't all, but I laughed at these.

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[8.0/10] My favorite sketch in this one was the “Rules for Fight Club” skit -- lots of amusing classroom energy. I also liked the Darth Vader pun skit -- it nicely made fun of the cheesiest part of Rogue One. The Zach Morris Avengers skit wasn’t bad either, especially with the dark humor in the end. The Sword in the Stone riff was bizarre, but amusing. I didn’t really care for the Titanic spoof though since it was just scatalogical without anything particularly clever.

Of the quick hit sketch, my favorite was the CVS receipt one, and Wile E. Coyote modern art bit. Otherwise solid stuff.

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