Something this show has in common with Monty Python's Flying Circus is that the skits are short, and, if you don't like one, or two, it's not hard to wait for one you enjoy.

Bitch Puddin' always brightens my day.

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[6.6/10] As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve just never liked Bitch Pudding. Her “rude dude with attitude” persona is basically one joke hammered over and over again, and I’ve never found it terribly funny. Mashing her up with The Sound of Music does little to revive the gags.

Still, there’s some other solid bits here. The “Furby Genocide” skit has its charms for a former Furby owner. The Watchmen spoof about Jon knowing/not knowing details before they’re told to him got a solid laugh out of me. Taking the phrase “kill ‘em with kindness” literally was also worth a laugh in my book.

But other longer skits, like North Pole High and the dig at X-Men: Apocalypse having a scene set in Auschwitz didn’t do much for me -- a little too on the nose. Most of the other quick hit skits were fine, but didn’t have real highlights. Overall, a decent but not great episode.

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