That prefinale was quite satisfying

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Shout by JasperKazai

  • Of course they didn't have their heads, you fucking morons. They were executed via guillotine. What do you think a guillotine does?
  • Oh my goodness, Jason actually acted for a bit and had more than one line. First time in 6 whole seasons. Red letter day for that guy.
  • "We Serpents have a saying" about the snake in the egg blah blah blah. But you guys are the Serpents. Why would the Serpents have a saying about killing their own kind? It makes no sense.
  • Twyla really just stood there with a gun pointed at Toni and did nothing while Toni chucked two shurikens into her face. Lmao. How fucking stupid.
  • I don't get the point of bringing Percival back to 1580 just to have Mr. Cypher take him away. Whether or not Percival is immortal at that time has no bearing on the Devil coming to collect his soul. The Devil should be able to do that regardless.

All in all, though, it wasn't that bad. Pretty decent episode.

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Shout by Deleted

It’s unclear how much the Rivervale people actually helped, but a little Phoenix-style resurrection goes a long way. Zombies next?

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