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Ridley 2022

I was looking forward to this but it was so predictable moody ex cop, lost loved ones, lesbian couple blah blah blah, it has all been done before and done better.

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Kinda bog standard and having him sing at the end of every episode is so incredibly hokey...

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Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2022-10-02T18:28:05Z— updated 2022-10-04T10:23:38Z

[TV 2 Play] It has some interesting finds like a horizontal plot across the four feature-length episodes, but at the same time some annoying decisions like the obsession with ending each episode with Adrian Dunbar singing. And although the show proposes interesting research ideas, it develops them with a certain laziness, prioritizing the convenient over the plausible.

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He can really sing. Good series. Some cases were good last two were alright. Female detective was decent, but she never had ridleys back and snitched on him way too much.

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Not superbad but rather mediocre. Good for a lazy Friday night when nothing else is on.

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It was alright, but not riveting. It just plodded along. Couldn't be bothered watching episode 3.
Overall 5/10

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