This was a great episode, not only for the frenetic twists and turns of the going-on of the Purge Planet, but for the way the episode explored both how Morty's scolding or concerned reactions to the craziness of what he and Rick see masks a repressed anger and frustration that lies beneath, and that however jaded Rick is after all he's been through, there's still a part of him that has limits and can only take so much. It's a neat trick to show that Rick has a bit of Morty in him, and Morty has more than a little Rick in him.

The Summer/Jerry subplot didn't have much to it in terms of point or story, but it was funny, so I'm happy to give it a pass.

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Now I'll have to see The Purge.

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Worst episode so far. Very disappointing after the great previous episode.

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Really like this one. The hyperviolence and spectacle are turned up to 11 here and it is completely justified, this is by far one of the most gorgeous looking episodes of the entire show. Having Morty go berserk was also awesome, even if I don't love Rick just nonchalantly knocking him out, essentially removing him from the third act. The humor in this one also slaps, tons of great jokes like the lighthouse guy and the whole Teddy Mason thing.

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this was def one of the best eps in this season

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Shout by Deleted

I've never seen the Purge movies but I like the way they satirized it here.

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Just catching up on episodes of Rick & Morty I missed, and this one is a spoof of the movie, The Purge.

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