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Resident Evil 2022

I really hope they don’t fuck this up with all the BS but it’s Netflix so have very low expectations. Plus I can’t imagine Resident Evil without Mila Jovovich regardless of where in the timeline the story takes place in.

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Good little show with great production value. Acting is good, sets are good, score and soundtrack are great. A little bit too much girl teenage drama. Only two episode in so hopefully they won’t ruin it…

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Literally the only good thing about this show was the Creatures. One good fighting scene with the the big boy that was task with capturing Jade. Then right after that scene he dies lol other than those two things its boring and slow especially the teenage timeline jesus that was hard to get through, all the slamming doors, the talking back to parents, the siblings bs fights the flip flop flip flop on what each one wants to do at any given time. And the biggest gripe is the inconsistency with the infected and stupid discussions made by the writers.
Binged it in a day and i wish i had used that time on something else but once i start something i have to finish it. Its a blessing and in this case a curse

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People please don't waste your time on this. All we needed was the Milla Resident Evils, all these crazy off shoots are disappointing. 14 year on Jade no matter what you are a father wouldn't let the f--- word be your 2nd or 3rd word that come out your mouth. Cloned Albert I guess they had to show a reason he was a Cloned but come on the Matrix Albert! This series is a joke, I actually took it off my watchlist and undid all ratings to make myself believe I didn't watch this mess.

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Really poor,, so bad in so many ways,

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Shout by Le_Chat
BlockedParent2022-07-16T10:19:22Z— updated 2023-01-24T09:49:50Z

I found Resident Evil TV show to be an enjoyable watch, although it may not be the greatest show of the year. I did not pay attention to the comments of the critics who said the show "destroyed the games etc." I liked it because it's a metagaming experience, it's not about the game but the story happening in between and after. My only regret is the casting, the actors are not bad but 14-year-old Jade and Billie and adult Jade and Billie do not look alike at all. Like for example, Jade's eyes are clearer and Billie became Asian.

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Maybe it was because I had no expectations and thought it was going to be really bad. ended up to be great, again maybe my expectations were so low I ended up loving. Entertaining.

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I have the feeling this is going to be a pile of steaming shit,like most of the garbage netflix is bringing out compared to some good shows from amazon and apple.Just looking at the diverse cast doesnt fill me with any confidence.

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So people are hating on this because there were very few white people cast? Interesting. Why not just hate it cause it's a bad show, eh? Actors aren't the problem, they do an excellent job, it's everything else.

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Well, I pushed through three episodes before I raised the white flag. Total fail. This really stunk.

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At least the zombies move better then the walking dead:joy:

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im a big fan of RE and love the actors but ... 0 hope for this show

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A pile of shit show

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My favourite franchise completely destroyed with tolerance... This series made me cancel my Netflix subscription.

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This show is actually far more entertaining than expected. Well done :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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It's bipoc resident evil :D though, Netflix...mhmhm. Nope. Probably not.

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How terrible can a show and script get?
This show: Yes.

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the ultimate nail in the coffin

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Struggling to finish episode 1. Does it get better?

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I enjoyed this reboot of Wesker as a family man. It is just an interesting take on such an iconic villain. Lance Reddick turns in a great, multifaceted performance and I loved the twist regarding his character.

Family is a strong theme throughout, so if people are expecting the action/adventure of the movies or the horror of the games, they will likely be disappointed. It is its own thing but this is what I like about it. I mean there is lots of running, shooting, monsters and explosions, but it always comes back to family which is a cool direction for series based on a franchise about killing zombies. Maybe not spectacular, and there are a few plot holes, but it is a fun ride -- and a pretty cool origin story.

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Unwatchable. Ella Balinska has that stupid confused look on her face while running god knows where and always escaping situations which are barely possible. This show was made to give people anxiety and promote a diverse cast.

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Bad, bad script with tons of stuff that just doesn’t make sense with very unbelievable characters. It’s as believable as telenovela. Mix that in with music that’s way off and bad use of camera angles and you get this shit show.

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I feel like this is going to be another franchise ruined by ideological stupidity. Hope they don't do the same thing they did with 4400, bc it got cancelled after 1 season. However, this is Netflix and they recently had to get rid of 300ish of their staff due to stupid ideologies in the way of making good content so I have low expectations.

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Shout by Vassilis
BlockedParent2022-07-15T12:31:11Z— updated 2022-07-18T10:42:50Z

I was surprised it was that good! Fantastic script, direction, the whole back-forwad was excellent made and sooo many questions unanswered. This was a really good origin and show.

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There wasn't anything terrible about this show at all. From looking at some of the unintelligent reviews written by people with the IQ of a toilet brush we truly are in an era of entitled little whingebags. They probably rate cop shows 10/10.

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This is a poorly written shit-show and the only saving grace is Lance Reddick.

The main protagonist is supposed to be likeable, because she has a purpose, is "one of the good guys" while Umbrella is universally bad. Thing is, this character is unlikable in almost every scene and the choices... well, lol. I'd go with Umbrella if all my information about RE universe came from this show alone ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I genuinely think this is one of the worst shows ever made.

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This could be good fun but the protagonist makes so many dumb decisions that it breaks my enjoyment. This is a world overrun by fast zombies, there's no need to create chaos and tragedy through extremely nonsensical actions, it's just bad lazy writing. Also Jade leaving during her daughter's recital made me so effing mad. She couldn't wait literally three minutes for the song to finish?

The actors do their best with the script, and the look and feel of the show is pretty slick. I really enjoy the sisters storyline when they're young. The casting is great except for Richard Baxter, I don't find the actor who plays him compelling in any way, just annoying (I know he's supposed to be annoying but he's just actually annoying without also being intimidating or funny or anything)

Lance Reddick is a gahdamn treasure, I will watch him in anything.

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I watched the show... people saying it is woke... you're the woke one lol... just enjoy it for what it is

I think it is good and don't give a f*&k if a race has changed lol.. :person_facepalming:♂

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All in all, it was fun, but there was room for improvement. Lance Reddick carries it on his end, as expected, but I really liked some moments of the "adult" timeline. This (parts of it anyway) and Welcome to Raccoon City show there's so much that could still be done when they stop trying to reach for the low ranging action flick shit. I hope one day we'll see a version that's heavy on the mystery and dials back on the infection spread to make it almost a psycological thriller rather than carelessly shoving minibosses and bosses just because. Hell, they could even get the franchise off the ground and go all the way to the newer games - that I don't really care for, but still.

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Netflix at it again. Fastest way to damage a series.

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I gave 1 star because I couldn't select 0 stars.

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What a load of garbage. Great concept but they basically told us how the future would be, so the flashbacks were boring as we already knew how it would turn out.

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This is a decent TV show version of the movies. Not a whole lot of big ugly monsters tho. It's a bit more story driven than the CGI-Action movies.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Will not even watch this, just use the original characters from the game and make it into a tv show...

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That's the worst shit show I've ever seen. Pure torture

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Awful. Awful. Awful. Awfullll & awful.

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Wow they really managed to destroy every single aspect of the original Resident Evil story. What a disaster.

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It is not very often I abandon a series, and it extremely race to abandon one mid episode. This show is complete trash.
They show the 'main character' in the future right at the start. Which means any scene with action the character survives. That killed the suspense.
Speaking of the future, this character has gadgets that still work 12 years after the fall of man? Not made in China I assume. Nor were they made by a person without a prefrontal cortex.

When they arrived at the house and the main started shouting racist shit I had to stop. It reminded me of that video of the black girl stopping her car on the boulevard, getting out of the driver seat, and walking away as the car drove into oncoming traffic. That is essentially the entire show.

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Shout by Kyle
BlockedParent2022-07-16T01:48:10Z— updated 2022-07-17T23:58:09Z

It's a bit ridiculous but RE fans will probably still enjoy it. The art direction is great.

EDIT:'s pretty bad. I had higher hopes.

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Well, it is mediocre - which is better than I expected - about 40-50% can just be skipped as it is just some teeny-drama bullshit (why, I mean there is not chance this gets a PG rating is there?) with little to no bearing on the actual story.

All in all I think I would watch a season 2, but if it doesn't get renewed I wouldn't really care

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I don't think it's very good, but at least I'm enjoying it.

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Making Albert Wesker black is the same as making Black Lightning White.

They are (again) trying to get the PC crowd to watch it - will they ever learn that the people who think being diverse is more important than the story aren't actually watching the shows but just praising them for their diversity in absentia?

I will give this a try since Lance Reddick is a great Actor (I don't know any if the others involved), but my expectation is that this will be a shitshow...

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Shout by megamelfina

I love the RE games, and I was really excited for this series with a new take. Unfortunately, it's really just 'meh'. It's shot beautifully and I love the zeroes (zombies) and the creatures you see. That said, the plot is all over the place, and super disjointed when it comes to information matching up past to present.

Sadly, the biggest nail in the coffin though is the fact that there's not really a single character to like and root for. This cast of characters is the dumbest I've ever seen, and it only gets worse as it goes on. By episode four or so, I was hoping Jade specifically would get eaten or something so we could follow basically anyone else. She is the legit worst.

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waaaa waaa man different colour show bad waaaaa. so gd pathetic you all sound.

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Resident Evil comes to Netflix as a short-lived 8-episode horror series. Season 1 follows Dr. Albert Wesker’s daughters Jade and Billie as teenagers as they move to New Raccoon City and begin investigating their father top secret work for the Umbrella Corporation; and in a parallel story an adult Jade searches for a cure for the T-virus that has turned most of the human population into zombies. Unfortunately Jade and Billie are angry, spiteful, mean spirited characters that are no fun to watch. In fact, most of the characters are horrid; the Umbrella managers, the survivor gangs, the zombies. And the zombie effects are pretty ghoulish and grotesque. With dislikable character and little connection to the video game series, Resident Evil was quickly cancelled.

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It's not horrible, could've been good if they gave it a few more seasons to find it's footing

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This is just one of the most awful shows I have seen in a long time. The acting is so bad, the story line to awfully ridiculous, it must be intentional. You just wish for the zombies to succeed and kill off all of these annoying human characters early in the show. Fortunately, the producers pulled the plug after this abomination of a season 1.

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wasted my one day. not that good.

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Lance Reddick is the best part of this show, second being some admittedly cool CGI and action as a result of there clearly being some budget behind it, a few interesting ideas here and there. But the two sisters are terribly written and it is at times infuriating to watch their half of the show, who they are then vs as adults is not believable at all either (dumbass vs scientist for example). Quite a bit of other bad/lazy writing as well. Honestly this could have been saved by better writing alone as it has everything else it needs, I can't recommend it unless you have it playing on the side while doing something else. I'm happy to offer my editing services to any production out there by the way if it helps save us even a little bit from bad writing, the achilles heel of TV/Film.

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Wow. I. Don’t. Even. Know. What. To. Say. Worst idea Netflix had. Just horrific.

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5th episode in and... better than the movies, but still could be so much better... The acting is absolute dogshit and the plot while "fun" could do with a lot of work, but i can see that the respect for the original media is here, the references are good.

Not what i wanted, but still so much better than that garbage fire that was "welcome to raccoon city"

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Hmm quite difficult.

As a "Resident Evil" series ist completely failed because beside some namedropping there is nearly no relevant connection to the original Resident Evil lore.

On the other hand it would be a lie if I said that I did not enjoy it somehow. Of course there are way better shows and there are several writing issues and plotholes. But for me it was definitely better than expected and it was not that bad that I would hate it. And if a second season ever happens I would most likely also watch it.

The main issue in my option is just that they called it Resident Evil. It would have been the better choice if they had created something own instead of labeling it as a video game adaption. Then it would be a fair zombie series. And the shitstorm would not even be that big.

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The misandry of that show is so on the nose, it's hilariously bad. It's as if they hired writers from the CW Batwoman sh!tfest and those writers obviously never seen or played the games nor cared to respect the original material in the first place. Honestly, it makes Milla Jovovich's Resident Evil movies watchable in comparison. I've tried to find any redeeming qualities but it was an exercise in futility. Seriously, I'm curious to know, who the f**k thought it would be an appealing idea or even a good concept to have teenage angst in a zombie post-apocalyptic setting ?
oh wait, never mind, I don't care. Thanks to Gen Z writers for ruining another franchise for me.

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Lasted three episodes, I would rather cut my balls off with a blunt scalpel than watch anymore....

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They really played it safe with this one. I wasn’t amused by Lance pulling an Orphan Black. However, it was a good watch.

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Lance reddick and Siena Agudong carry this show by themselves.
Others member of the cast are very average actors.
The story is very bad although it is quite well filmed.
Bad actors + very bad story = not good at all.
Don't waste your time on this.

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Not good, paste your time

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Just starting the 3rd episode and really struggling with this!!came to the comments to get more info and looks like it is what I expected a teen drama with a tad of horror!cast are really bad apart from wesker obviously,don’t like quitting shows once started but this is torture so far :rolling_eyes:

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Black Albert Wesker? Peta? In Resident Evil? I hope all bad to makers :thumbsdown:

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Its a no for me found it very boring !

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disclaimer: i haven't played the games and never watched the jovovich movies. my gummies kicked in around episode 7, too.

this was entertaining. acting isn't always great and suspension of disbelief was difficult at times—how this girl survive the apocalypse but also routinely stand there and stare at giant insects instead of running immediately?? i mean that's what i'd do, yeah, but i'd also be the first to die in an apocalypse. for me and my trash taste, though, it had good cgi and the representation didn't feel forced to me. just bear in mind i'm an outsider with zero knowledge on the franchise. lance reddick was delightful, honestly. and it was watchable both before and after i got high, which is more than i can say for some horror.

my favorite character was baxter though.

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Tthe plot is weak, I don't see what identifies the original Resident Evil, I see a very novel story, I don't want to compare yesterday's protagonist with today's, but I didn't see strength in the main role.

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  • Another new Walking Dead??
  • Yes, please! (No thx, I'm joking.)
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Watched until episode 6, i cant stand the main actress stupidity

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So excited! Can't wait till this premiers!

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