It's probably just me but damn that kid is annoying

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I love Darcy. She is perfectly nuts and some how more inappropriate than Harry.
Anyway this show makes me giggle non-stop.

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Its starting to get heated! I really like how they paced these episodes, there's always something interesting going on. Can't wait till next episode is released!

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I like the kid, I get a lot of fun Macaulay Culkin vibes from him. His interactions with "Harry" are some of the best scenes in this show. The sheriff is also a hoot, I really like how he sometimes resembles that part of the Internet that's fed up with all the snowflakes and excessive PC out there; he speaks his mind however he feels like it and the result is always hilarious.

I also enjoyed the slight change of tone in this episode, with a heavier focus on the emotional side of things. It felt like a nice short break from all the sheer lunacy that this show is about.

And that cliffhanger... Damn! To think that things were already awkward, in general, so far, I can only imagine the awkwardness truly exploding, from now on. I'm really curious to see how "Harry" will deal with that particular situation.

Oh! And Alan Tudyk is absolutely killing it in this role! He was perfectly casted. It's deadpan comedy at its best!

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Lmao! Ahh, it's rigor mortis! My penis is dying!"

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Oh Honey, I'm home !

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That was a great episode! So fun and a nice cliffhanger. I'm enjoying this show so much.

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This show cracks me up. That dinner was awkward as hell. The scene on the way back home with them in the truck was my favorite. That song is gonna be stuck in my head.

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I'm not so sure, how to think about this show. Sometimes it is really funny, bit it's getting more and more cringe.

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The description of New York City.. ROFL... not only is it awkward and weird, but completely the opposite of reality. Law and order... hahahha

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Harry "Oh no they're still alive." cracked me up. xD

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The preachy sentimentality is getting a bit annoying… If you ignore it it's good stuff otherwise — though I hope where it's going in the end is not the most obvious "oh I don't want to kill all humans after all" (not that you could really end a show with an alien killing all humans—or could you?—but hopefully there's other more interesting options to explore…)

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What!!! This show just gets better. I really hope it doesn’t go south....Native American rap sounds pretty good.

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