9.03 Ohne Aussicht

Case of the week: Brother plans to kill himself and his sister who has Down-syndrome because of debts and an accident. Good case, pretty emotional (so they can do emotional if they want to! The opposite of Carola in the last 2 episodes...), loved Markus and Frieda. Even the debt collector was a decent human being.

Drama of the week: Markus has difficulties connecting with Mia - and I'd like to know how much time has passed since Carola's death... the way Mia and Markus act it's just been days, but Jessika's broken arm is all healed up, so it must have been weeks. The emphasis on Jessika as the new girl in town gets old quite fast. Oh, and Thomas offers Katharina to stay with him while she's finishing up her education in Munich. First of all, how do her studies work? She's in Ramsau, but has exams in Munich... doesn't she have any pracical studies? Not that I'm starting to like Thomas but I can empathize with his reaction to Katharina's ever-changing cold shoulder/I want to have sex right now treatment. Talk about mixed signals. And by the way, she might be pregnant... urgh.

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