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Ratched 2020

I was a blown away by this mini series, it was gorey, suspenfill, and sad all in one. the last episode had me in tears, and shock. Definitely a good watch. May be a little disturbing to some.

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Sarah Paulson absolutely shines in this role and she is probably the main reason I'm choosing to rate this so high. If I was to dissect this then there wasn't much to the actual story but the style choices and the cast along with the amazing cinematography is what made me love this.

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Beautifully shot but for long stretches and even entire episodes, I was bored and took months to finish it. Ratched is TOO mysterious - we don't know her heart so we don't empathize and don't feel invested in her or other characters' goals. The last 2 episodes are pretty good but I wouldn't watch again.

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Absolutely fantastic, dark show! At the risk of sounding sexist, I think it's a shame they killed off all the good male characters, while the women felt safe (Of course there are a few exceptions). I'm obviously not against a show with strong female leads, but this took it almost too far, to the point where I could see how it would end because of it.
There was also constantly sexist remarks from the women, and the males are written as literally being too weak to stand up for themselves. (Obviously written by a feminist) This is especially unrealistic considering the time period, where I imagine it would be quite the opposite. The final episode was by far the weakest one, as most the plot lines had already been resolved in episode 7. A shame it couldn't keep the tempo all the way to the finish line, but still I think this show was brilliant and deserves a 9/10 rating.

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Love this, is amazingly dark. So much roller coaster or backstabbing. Didn't expect main role to have that big character development..

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All in all, wonderful.

I wasn't quite on board with the last episode or so, somehow it had lost the bite, or maybe it wasn't as planned out as the rest. Still, remarkably enjoyable show.

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Shout by Kati
BlockedParent2020-10-01T21:55:47Z— updated 2020-10-06T21:17:13Z

The first Season has a really strong start but gets weaker with its last episodes. To be frank, I'm not sold on the turn the story took.
Most of characters are really well written and their dynamics are interesting and believable, yet one or two in particular are really quite ridiculous and destroy the immersion.
The best thing about the series so far is the directing and editing. An homage to the era the series takes place in. A lot of the shots were interestingly composed, the colours beautifully and appropriately edited. The gore is woven into the scenery with creativity and charm which makes it a lot more disturbing and interesting to watch.
The actors are strong as well and pulled the a little outdated style of acting from the 40s off which, once getting used to, is really entertaining.

I'm looking forward to the next season, however, sadly not as much as I was hoping to due to the weak characters and plot points in the last couple episodes.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-09-21T03:28:55Z— updated 2020-09-24T06:21:37Z

I've only watched episode 1 so far and I can't wait to watch the rest. Paulson gives another riveting performance. And the mindset of Nurse Ratched is quite fascinating. It is fascinating to see how fluid Ratched's morals are.

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If you love „The Knick“ u will like Ratched

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Well, that was boring. It's Netflix, I should've known.

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I saw this back in 2020 and it’s so so sad it got cancelled. Was about to be one of my favs

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Visually perfect for the era, late 1930- early 1940's. Everything from the cars, buildings and interiors are a treat.

It's a very dark show with tons of twists and "I-didn't-see-that-coming" bits in the final 3 episodes.
The first couple of episodes are good, but you get to the point of thinking: are you going to continue... then something happens and you HAVE to continue watching. By episode 4 there's no doubt you're watching the rest of the season. By the end of the season its: Wow that was a good show!

We watched episode 1 and then never returned for several months for some reason.. then binged the rest of the season on Boxing Day. I'd recommend binging if there is a season 2.


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was really perfect, Paulson is great. decoration is great. but THAT ENDING?? if you're not going to create a season 2, then don't ruin my beautiful and crazy show doing that.

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At first I was annoyed by (what I felt was) an excessive soundtrack but the storyline and character backgrounds took me right through it. Great show :thumbsup:

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Good series from the creators of the series "American Horror Story", which is strongly influenced by their style and style. Based on the terrific film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson from 1975, this is the prehistory of head nurse Mildred Ratched. Excellent actors, most of whom have also been taken from the series "AHS". And a heavy dose of violence and madness, looking forward to the second season.

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I liked it a lot! So fun to watch, good acting, made me laugh and cringe, I definitely recommend this one!

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Interesting at first but gets real boring afterward.

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Style over substance. It's good but could have been so much better.

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This show was incredible! Sarah Paulson bringing her A-game yet again. Stellar cast all together. Eerie story with characters that all served a purpose to the story. There was some gore, some humor, something for everyone truly.

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So glad I didn't give up on this after the 1st episode, brilliant performances from all apart from the overacting by Vincent Donofrio, superb cast, loved it


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Have to say I enjoyed watching this. Will be interesting to see if a second series (if it happens) can live up to the first. I'd agree with some of the other comments, it does look a bit like AHS

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Fascinating .. a little bit sluggish at time.

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Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott
BlockedParent2020-09-28T18:14:47Z— updated 2020-11-11T23:39:42Z

It should be called "American horror story does Ratched '
Would have been better off as a prequel to the AHS Asylum

I never saw Ratched as particularly evil, just, a no nonsense mental house worker.

This just isn't that good, it's got all the feels of classic thrillers, lighting and editing, trying to use your love of psycho to make it watchable.

Unfortunately they seem to think using music from Cape fear would, I dont know, save money? It's doesn't work. when the music comes on, it's too obvious, like a temp track they used during editing & figured screw it, we'll leave it in.

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The closets for these characters are incredible. The cinematography is fantastic. The acting was wonderful. The design of all the buildings. You can tell they invested 300m into this show. They even had a closet for the monkey.

Love this story. Binged it.

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fantastic series and a great homage to One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Sarah Paulson magnificent.

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Don't expect something brilliant.Its not bad and watchable.Thats all.
The series started with a loud and scary gory scene giving high hopes.But there was nothing like it afterwards.The story is good with great actors and decent drama

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Shout by Ro

Another century of demonic foes
joins the fight for my core,
securing the vacancy
left by the few I've managed to vanquish before.

Blood floating through nightmares,
riding hell's sadistic breeze,
an implicit invitation
for any with teeth and claw to join.

Ready to feast on the naive marrow
hidden in the bones of infant souls,
blackening the uninitiated
until only agony remains.

Another profane battlefront
in our blasphemous war of realms,

heaven's angels content to watch
as another innocent is felled,
consumed before their sacred perch.

Seraphim turn shielded eyes
to more holy views,
choirs singing praises to paradise
in an unmarred pitch.

Consciously apathetic to the suffering
of those unlucky enough
to be born impure,

peacefully condemning us to our fate
for the offense of not being born
in the embrace of their untainted ranks,

abandoned to the burning hordes
in a world ignited
without a second thought.

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Yet another Murphy show where a cohesive narrative and sensible characters are sacrificed at the altar of modern sensibilities.

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Just downloaded the full season,hoping this will be a good one!

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