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Pushing Daisies

Season 2

Bryan Fuller’s romantic comedy Pushing Daisies blooms in its second season. The story of Ned the Pie Maker continues as he tries to work things out with his resurrected girlfriend Chuck and solve crimes with his best friend Emerson Cod. This season Olive runs off to a convent, Emerson searches for his long-lost daughter, Chuck tricks Ned into bringing her father back to life, and Ned connects with is step brothers. With guest stars such as Stephen Root, David Arquette, Fred Willard, and Gina Torres, the show features some impressive talent. And the comedy is equally as impressive, delivering satire and camp that’s sharp and funny. Additionally, the visual style continues to provide a stunning surrealist aesthetic. Brilliantly entertaining, Pushing Daisies: Season 2 is magical and enchanting.

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