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Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2011


Shout by VigorousJammer
BlockedParent2021-12-20T22:29:17Z— updated 2022-01-28T19:10:17Z

Even after hearing so many good things about this, I was still skeptical going into it.
However, it turned out to be really good!

Oddly enough, I think this is one of the few anime series where the beginning and end were weaker than the middle. The middle just has so much mystery and intrigue going for it that it surpasses the deceptive beginning and also the ending which was good but felt just a tiny bit contrived.

Not sure I'll move on to watching any of the sequels for this. It's just such a well done self-contained story that I feel like any sequel is just going to feel like a cash-in. Anyway, definitely recommended viewing for this one.

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Did NOT expect to enjoy this show as much as I did. Serious emotional punches thrown into what feels like one great dream. Art is astoundingly good, music is great, characters are relatable, plot is amazing, but seriously, did I mention the art?

If you're like me and have been wondering whether or not you should watch Madoka for a while now, trust me: you definitely, undoubtedly should.

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Amazing show. Takes the whole concept of "magical girl" shows and throws it out the window. Very dark and emotional concepts thrown into a beautiful looking world with great characters. This is a must watch.

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I really liked the anime: in a few episodes it shows a lot of things, feelings and the plot is not obvious, not to mention the music, which is gorgeous. One flaw, i didn't love the drawings, but eventually I got used to it.

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I hate Kyubei. I've hated him from the very first second he showed up. He seemed to hide something from the girls and as I watch I can't help myself to hate him more. That freaking devil.

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This anime was not what I was expecting and I think a big part of watching Madoka Magica is actually not knowing much about it in the first place. It is a well known and widely acclaimed show and it deserves the praise it gets. I'm not going to elevate this to the masterpiece status as many do because it does have its flaws, but it is a singular show that runs away from the traditional magical girl concept.

This is not for kids! Some bits of it are shocking and disturbing. I started watching this already knowing it was going to turn somewhat dark and it still caught me by surprise. Animation is well done but sometimes it just gets plain weird. In the end, I don't see it as a bad thing, the fact that it was so different from what I am used to see grabbed my interest.

With the right expectations, it will be an enjoyable experience, although I reckon it is not for everyone.

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Loved it, made me cry

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A really sweet story about girls who grow beyond themselves and become magicians who fight against evil it is also a very touching story about friendship death and love a great series Season 2 incoming

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Shout by 13radleyl
BlockedParent2016-10-18T04:19:54Z— updated 2021-02-07T21:41:33Z

Amazing anime that has a great story and some amazing twists along with heart wrenching moments.

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this anime ruined my entire life. i want 17 more seasons.

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This anime takes the "just gals being pals" thing to the next level

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I haven’t rewatched this since like 2018 when I originally saw it and wow does this hit about a billion times harder once you know everything that’s going on. Genius coming-of-age fairytale storytelling in just a 12-episode package. And so stylish!

When Movie 4 comes out either we will begin a utopic scifi society or the world will collapse into chaos and disorder. 50/50 chance.

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Absolutely nothing will ever prepare someone for what they will experience watching this show and maybe that’s a good thing, I couldn’t tell you. However, everyone needs to watch this anime for just the sheer experience of it all, because it WILL change your life in a way you would have never expected.

It also features an insane amount of lesbianism and if that ain’t enough to convince you to watch this… I don’t know what is.

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Although I was hesitant to watch this show as the concept seemed uninteresting to me, what happens in this show is quite different from what I expected, and in a good way. There is a lot of emotion and twists in this movie that keeps you intrigued throughout, and it was enjoyable to watch.

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Top tier greatest anime of all time.

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A very pleasant surprise! Really unique art direction during the action scenes, and a very interesting and unexpected twist on what seems like a generic premise ("magical" protagonists). Music is also phenomenal.

I would definitely recommend it, especially since the short 13 episodes (+ OVA) are watchable in a day.

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A really sweet story about girls who grow beyond themselves and become magicians who fight against evil it is also a very touching story about friendship death and love a great series Season 2 incoming

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Shout by Deleted

Overrated and unnecessarily cruel disgrace to the magical girl genre but it's okay if you like, it's just that I despise it.

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Shout by Deleted

Is it just me or am I the only one who hates this show?

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Shout by Deleted

A unnecessarily cruel disgrace to the magical girl genre

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I don't know if this is helpful for anyone, but, I didn't enjoy the show at all, I remember as a kid watching it loving it, however nowadays I can't tolerate it, I check other people comments and they say that they LOVED the show, and I keep wondering if maybe I watch a totally different anime.

I'm not saying it's a bad show, just that I didn't like it as I was expecting (child memories).

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