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Psych: Season 7

7x15 Psych: The Musical

Regarding both parts,
I really don’t understand the hate musical episodes get, they are so much fun?! And it’s not like they’ve overdone it, it’s just a special fun occasion imo.
The only little thing I didn’t get is the timeline, we ended with Vic getting fired and Jules knowing shawns not psychic, and then the musical episodes starts and Vic’s still there and Jules doesn’t know? But it’s not really an issue it was still a lot of fun
oh and THANK.YOU. for clearing up the hanging part, I already saw myself writing about how it’s not possible and then in the end they comment on it, made me burst out laughing xD loooove it when shows/movies do that.

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Shout by Alex

I’m sad that Yang got killed. She was one of my favorites

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So they wrote this before the reveal arc. I'm confused - the way they showed the critic's death leaves room for him to not have done it, but killing the squirrel feeder would definitely put him in prison if they conclude he isn't insane. So is this a soundtrack that includes all of Title sequence songs? If so, I need to put it on the wish list. I agree with @sncwcre - how is McNab here? Uh oh, Yang is behind everyone else. Is she going to run away? How'd she do that? What happened to Strode and the parole officer? Yay, the squirrel feeder is alive! Pt 2 - They got Mary for this?! Shouldn't there be an understudy for the inspector? That last song made me think of the Little Mermaid.

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Everything that Gus does in this episode is awesome.

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Hello Lieutenant Commander Paul Stamets.

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what a nutty musical episode!

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