The mom has bad taste.

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Shout by Morxx

Oh thank God there is something more complex about the girl in the box. I was afraid it would just be about knowing if she was real or not and finding who she was. I like that there is more to it. It give the show, a more intriguing vibe that it lacked a bit in the Beginning. Well that story would explain why he went against his nature and chose to erase and deny everything about her. And I knew she had to be alive but I thought it was a screw up because of his coma nightmare even though there still doubt. Other that that I really liked seeing the father be genuinely scared and jealous it looks good on him

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So, wait. It's all gonna tie back and come back to a guy they're just now introducing? That's not very good story telling. They should have introduced him 10 episodes ago, as a normal, nice guy, and have him pop up sporadically in some innocuous form. That would have made for a much more exciting, unexpected, and quite frankly, better thought out plot twist. This way feels sloppy and improvised. I'm disappointed.

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Malcolm's next encounter with Martin following the remembrance that Eve's sister was, indeed, the girl in the box didn't go the way I was expecting. But I guess the fact that the way it went rattled Martin the way it did was worth it. Other than that, the parts having to do with the case weren't all that interesting. But when considering the ending, I guess the case was more significant than at face value. And the ending was quite something. I can't believe that I was right about Sophie still being alive. Of course, that could've been a lie. But given how straightforward things have surprisingly been, it may very well have been true, and she is still alive. Anyway, the ending was the best part of the episode, the case and the parts having to do with solving it was the worst part, and everything in-between was sufficiently decent and enjoyable enough. I hope the next episode is going to be exciting.

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