Princes in the Tower

  • Ended
  • Channel 4
  • 2h
  • United Kingdom
  • Drama
The mystery surrounding the suspicious disappearance of the boy King Edward V and his younger brother Richard has been the cause of speculation and fascination for over five centuries. Eight years after they were presumed to have been murdered by their treacherous uncle, a young man appeared and told an astonished world that he was Richard, the younger of the two Princes. He had survived the attempt on his life and had come to claim his rightful place on the throne of England. Was he genuine and could he reveal what really happened in the Tower all those years ago? Or was he a brilliant imposter, trained to carry out one of the most audacious cons imaginable? This gripping drama is an account of the final interrogation of a man who sought to change the course of British history and whose identity has remained a mystery to this day.

1 season

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