There were so many bad scenes, but one scene takes the cake - "I have a master's degree in American Literature. There's nothing I can't do." What.

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A FUCKING BULLDOZER? Tanner is so extra, I can’t

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omg the chamber of secrets is located in the girls bathroom

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What about that video
With the Team digging up
Douchebag, that's
Incriminating AF
Aria talking to the voices
Mona's breaking point,
It was all messy very
very messy.
Rapping up all that
CeCe stuff should have
Been sorted way back when.
And have all the good stuff
For the end of the show.
At this point I've not got
A clue what's going on,
They forgive Aria after she
Throw the Team under the bus
But they still bully and give
Mona shit and don't let her
Join up, after all she's done for
The Team.
She's definitely payed her dues. Well I've not forgiven
Aria and Mona is the queen.
Anyway whatever,
I've waited a very very
Long Time to say this.
And Now For

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