What is happen with PLL?!
I used to like the tv show, but Marlene lost the track...
It's boring, easy to guess what is going to happen, ridiculous new couples lovers and a bored story...
PLL, shame on you!

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Spencer and Caleb!? I'm not here for this >:( #teamspoby

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Spencer and Caleb? No thank you! And Spence need an update on how friendship works...

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wow, pll is really surprising me, finally a good episode!

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Never liked Spencer and Caleb together :( never will. I think they’re great as just friends

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Spencer And Caleb
(Spenleb) definitely my
Favourite couple.
I hate that Sara so much
How is she not dead already.
Team-PLL really need to
Make sure nobody is around
When talking
Team Shenanigans.

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Spencer And Caleb
Are so awesome together,
What a perfect pairing.
They are definitely the best
Couple and my favourite,
They are just so sweet and
Real and natural together,
I feel so warm and fuzzy inside everytime They are on screen together, which they light up everytime.
#TeamSpenleb all the way.
That being said Everyone one else is stressing out to the Max
As they continue to dig a bugger and deeper hole for themselves.
Someone needs to take that annoying creepy ass Sara
Out, she should gave been killed off way before now.

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I'm never gonna be on board with this Spencer and Caleb thing! No way. I want Haleb back asap.
Honestly, I used to love them as the smart-friends-duo but in these new episodes they make me cringe so bad.

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Shout by Deleted

Hannah should totally date Lucas! Liked this episode, just hoping we don't have to wait 6 seasons (again) to found out who killed A.

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